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I think you misunderstood
送交者: k19 2009月03月25日16:08:35 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 银行何以如此脆弱?xiangshui 于 2009-03-25 15:21:48

It has nothing to do with your example. buying a house borrowing 80% is not leverage. Leverage are used in investing in futures, options, currency tradings and derivatives. It is not a loan.

Let me give your an example.

If you have 100 dollars. You can buy 10 shares of $10 stocks. that leverage is 1:1

with levearge 10:1 you can use 100 dollar to trade 100 shares. meaning 100 dollar leveraged 10 times to $1000.

With 30:1 leverage you can invest $3000 with only 100 dollars. What that mean? if it is down 3.333% you 100 dollar principles will get wipped out. Can you imagin if it is down 10%? European banks levearged 60:1. that is why they are in deep crap.
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