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You are very reasonable.
送交者: k19 2009月03月27日19:38:44 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: It's alright, will read thosesql 於 2009-03-27 17:01:14
The problem for America is much bigger than many people realized. There are so many issues. And many are fatal. This country is going down. It is not my believe. It is the results from my study for the last few years. This country is totally scrwed up politically, economically. It is not one post can explain what is really going on. You can believe taht america is not ready to fall. I can pretty much tell you that America already fall. And I can tell you that it can't get out and we are heading to deeper,darker trouble than most people can imagined. I am just wondering what can you used to support your claim. How do you know that American is not ready to fall. We can say or believe whatever we want to belive but you need hard fact or data to support your claim.

Mortgage refi does not mean anything. Only some people qualified can use refi to lower their interest. The ATM machine of refi shut down forever. The 42+% of the home sales are from foreclosures. The organic home sales are still way down. With the unemployment rising, you can expect more and more people will loser their housing. And I can make a prediction now that the housing market will be dead at the end of this year. Did you heard of commercial RE? You heard of Dead Malls? There are many many issues not yet surface just yet. You heard of pension fund trouble, tent city, burnning cars to scam insurance, state running out of money, rising default on student loans, small country default on the loans...... Do you know how much default American government holds? do you know how the bond market work and how can the FED keep the rate low? Do you know that if Fed lost control of the interest rate what will happen? It will be shit hits the fan instantly. There is no both side about this. No! there is only you know it or not. I understand you want to call a bottome. Of course that is your rights. You can say whatever you want. But if you don't see all that is comming, you can easily make a fool out of yourself. But who cares, we are all hiding behind the lcd and keyboard. What matters to us is how much we can prepare ourselves for what is comming. Anyway, I am not saying I am right or I know what is comming.Actually, I am trying to find out asap what is comming so that I can prepare myself. However, I do think I know few things people is saying is bs or not. Bear in mind, I did not mean you are bullshiting. I just think you were mislead by the media in few things. But, like you said it is not my job to judge you. Only Time will tell!
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