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送交者: 水滴~ 2009月03月28日10:35:12 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: kcho1348: it is clearly to mek19 于 2009-03-27 20:13:34
Peter Shiff's book, "crash proof". Thanks for the recommendation! I started to realize how they calculate GDP, CPI and other data. The ugly reality has been disguised under carefully selected numbers.

When a household whose major income source is coming from "banking and weapon making" and spend much more than they earn, when they realize that it is impossible to repay the debt they owe their neighbors, the most logical things to do is to start war. Only war can help them making more money buy selling weapons, only war can scare the neighbor not requesting debt payback, only war can garantee their power of continue printing paper money!

The money addict is like a blood hungery vampire. He has to suck fresh blood to survive. Creating world instability and massive dystruction is the best way for him to cut the others open and suck their blood!

I am deeply concerned and feel very sad for our children's generation.
  Here is the link for his radio - k19 03/29/09 (297)
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