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kcho1348: it is clearly to me
送交者: k19 2009年03月27日20:13:34 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
That Fed has to devalue the dollar. that is the only way they can get away with the enormous debt they incurred in the past half a century. Without hyperinflation, US will have to pay back all the debt they owed to the rest of the world. America in no way shape or form to satisfy those debt obligations. Since all the bankers are broke now(ie, all the boss stole all the money already), they can safely let all the banks to fail. One big problem hindered america from recovery is babyboomer. With current population structure, we will only have 3 workers to suppoer every retiree. This is impossible. Life in American will be forever changed. And will not be the same anymore. I would love to read more of what you write and find out what you know and think about what is comming. Hope you will share more of your thoughts.
  I just finished reading - 水滴~ 03/28/09 (341)
    Here is the link for his radio - k19 03/29/09 (297)
    only if you are 60 already. - k19 03/29/09 (342)
        less than 5 year.  /无内容 - k19 03/29/09 (292)
    你能拿多少啊?这个体制就是政府养懒汉的体制  /无内容 - gsm0 03/28/09 (342)
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