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Zhou: Expect Inflation To Slow A Little In Summer(ZT)
送交者: 枯木朽株 2008年06月29日07:40:11 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
BASEL, Switzerland (Dow Jones)--People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said Sunday that inflation in China is likely to slow during the summer, but that international commodities pose upward risks to prices. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of meetings at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Zhou noted that inflation data had improved somewhat in May. "We anticipate that in the summertime, because we've got a good harvest and some supply-side policy started to (take) effect, so inflation - especially the food inflation - could slow down a little bit," Zhou said. "However, we know that the international price of energy and the other commodities may add additional pressure to inflation in China." Zhou also mentioned that China, Japan and Korea would be holding a three-way meeting Monday morning. He didn't elaborate on the topic of their intended discussion.
  Thanks. What's your view on China's economy? - egghead1 06/29/08 (243)
    几点看法 - 枯木朽株 06/30/08 (182)
      Thanks.  /无内容 - egghead1 06/30/08 (118)
    CEO! I like CEO better than PTR or SNP:-)  /无内容 - 小寒* 06/29/08 (229)
      you are always so patriotic. I like that. :-) - egghead1 06/30/08 (219)
        Thank you! I have faith. :-) - 小寒* 06/30/08 (208)
          这次熊市很特别, - 枯木朽株 06/30/08 (162)
            yes, indeed. I feel the time has not - egghead1 06/30/08 (138)
          :-) I wish I had your ability to pick winners in bear markets. - egghead1 06/30/08 (177)
            :-) This is my first year really paying - 小寒* 06/30/08 (242)
              as always, thank you. :-) although - egghead1 06/30/08 (230)
                I only know El Paso Energy has - 小寒* 06/30/08 (187)
                  Thank you. You are unbelievably nice. :-) - egghead1 06/30/08 (153)
                    Now I am embarrassed... - 小寒* 06/30/08 (145)
  sound like a good new for the Homeland! thanks for ZT.  /无内容 - 水滴~ 06/29/08 (145)
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