美国经济体系已接近崩溃边缘了 |
送交者: 远古的风 2012年10月14日11:05:00 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话 |
Leonardo Fibonacci (1170-1250) may have just stuck his 'golden-ratio-based' fork in the equity market's rally. As the following chart shows, the diminishing marginal utility of Quantitative Easing's wealth effect has followed a rather remarkable pattern... and today marks the next turning point. Applying a Fibonacci-based 61.8% retracement level to each of the time-periods following the March 2009 lows, produces a very interesting cycle overlay on the S&P 500 rallies... 据EminiAddict.com预测(http://eminiaddict.com/?p=5982):到2014年中,S&P500指数会下跌60%左右到565点附近(见下面两张图)。
Latest Lindsey Williams Inforwars Interviews 听下面视频的31:10-40:00
【古风按】古风并不完全同意Lindsey Williams的某些观点,发此帖仅仅是传达资讯。希望各位网友运用智慧吸收知识,了解世界大势。 The Middle East: The Rest of The Story (2011·03)2012 The Beginning of The End (2011·10) Secrets Of The Elite (2012·03)
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2011: | love阳光:短线逢高出货 | |
2010: | 前三季度金融货币市场三大特点 | |
2010: | 债券泡沫:小投资者在冒大险? | |
2009: | 美股有长了。 | |
2009: | 庆祝DOW过10000! | |
2008: | Good news out, shorts covered. | |
2008: | 美国诺奖得主用发明的投资理论投资输光 | |