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Didyou see any minority faces
送交者: EmitEht 2008月09月05日08:10:32 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 奥太、克太、佩林太数据清洁工 于 2008-09-05 07:15:44
in RNC? If you looked really hard, just a couple, either wearing military uniform
or being a spouse. GOP is a white party as Howard Dean put it, RNC is a gathering
of old white men and women from ww1, 2, etc.

As one democratic pundit said, GOP desperately tries to maintain the white dominance in a more and more diverse american society. GOP pundits call it
the cultural war. I bet GOP will lose this war and be forgotten. It may happen peacefully within the democratic framework, or it may take a revoluation.

  Mayor of Detroidtresigned, why /无内容 - rednose 09/05/08 (173)
  For the sake of argument - celery 09/05/08 (296)
    Physical doors can be easily - EmitEht 09/05/08 (253)
      That's why one needs to - celery 09/05/08 (225)
        I wrote a piece about whether - EmitEht 09/05/08 (211)
  别虚伪了。如果美国是黑人国家,你还会来吗? /无内容 - 全伊拉克人民 09/05/08 (142)
  布什总统任命了历史上第一位非裔女国务卿 /无内容 - NMFKM 09/05/08 (165)
  布什总统任命了历史上第一位拉丁裔司法部长 /无内容 - NMFKM 09/05/08 (202)
  布什总统任命了历史上第一位非裔国务卿 /无内容 - NMFKM 09/05/08 (193)
  布什总统任命了历史上第一位华裔女部长 /无内容 - NMFKM 09/05/08 (223)
    Moron, Condi is also back.only - EmitEht 09/05/08 (148)
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