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40岁爱俏? Give me a break
送交者: wiseguy 2008月06月17日12:11:13 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 看来某些同志们对40岁爱俏大妈十分气愤。嘿嘿数据清洁工 于 2008-06-17 11:58:42
Women over 40 don't have much asset to俏. Think about it, most likely
they will have big belly, which is a sure turn off without clothing.
They will also have wrinkles all over their body, not just the face.
That's another big turn off.

They are more likely to have too much emotional baggage. After all,
they spent last 25 years or so looking for someone.

40岁爱俏? Leave it to the 20's girls. Act at your own age and there is a
better chance of meeting someone. That way, there will be no after shock
when the clothing comes off.
  爱美之心人皆有之 /无内容 - TNNDQ 06/17/08 (117)
  你说不许俏就不俏啦?那岂不狠没面子 - 数据清洁工 06/17/08 (244)
    脸上看老了? - wiseguy 06/17/08 (167)
    小夏也40了吧?  /无内容 - 唯一 06/17/08 (118)
      反正看上去比另三个年轻好几岁 - 数据清洁工 06/17/08 (163)
        YEAH,不如绝望主妇们  /无内容 - 唯一 06/17/08 (178)
          《绝望主妇》不如《色欲都市》 - 定理 06/17/08 (166)
            对,我只是说主角们的长相  /无内容 - 唯一 06/17/08 (126)
              oh i c. 俺漏看了数据楼上的贴了。不过 - 定理 06/17/08 (133)
            职业美女? ft - wiseguy 06/17/08 (160)
  yeah, meeting some one with a bigger belly,haha /无内容 - 唯一 06/17/08 (163)
    True, at least not someone pretend to be in 20's - wiseguy 06/17/08 (125)
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