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Very Good Article
送交者: xiangshui 2008月07月15日17:31:02 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 心言: 美国经济谷底到底多深?心言 于 2008-07-14 22:55:45
I feel this is a very good article.

FNM and FRE total liability is around 5 trillion, so the 50% of total outstanding mortgage balance is reasonable although I do not have the data sources.

FNM and FRE are kind of Chinese state-own companies and it is normal for current issues to occur.

For many years, big banks complained it is unfair competion since FNM and FRE used government agency finding rates to compete with them.

Government have to bail them out, otherwise the house market would go down much more.

The solution is inflation. US dollar holders would be hurt.

Personally I think US stock market would not be that bad.

Again, this is just my personal opinion.
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