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送交者: 杂花生树 2022月03月01日19:26:12 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 哦,那篇要快乐就不要上网的文章放在这里。蠢笔也可以读一下杂花生树 于 2022-03-01 19:24:32
  1. Stop drinking. Stop doing drugs. People who say that they’re happy when they’re high or drunk, are like people, who get into debt and say they’re rich.

  2. Get off social media. This will make you happier than a 6-figure income will. And I’m not pulling this out of my arse. This is a scientifically researched fact. Constantly comparing yourself to others staged and highly edited “awesome, rich and happy” pictures, is eroding your mental health.

  3. Don’t mistake pleasure for happiness. Pleasure is the very addictive, but very fleeting feeling you get from consumption. At some point you will always have to “up the dose”. More cars. More drugs. More money. More sex. More scrolling. Happiness is being at peace. Having enough. Not needing anything obsessively.

  4. Fight for what you believe in. If you want to be happy, then have big, burning purpose in life. A purpose is your central life aim. What do you want your life to stand for? To find your purpose, ask yourself…When do you feel at your best? What are you really good at doing? Who or what inspires you? What do you believe in? Where do you see a problem that pisses you of that you want to change? We’re most happy if we’re pursuing something greater than ourselves.

  5. Do the Head Stone Test (full credit to Vic Stretcher). Think about your inevitable death. In fact, imagine you’d die one year from now. What would you want written on your head stone? You only have so much time on this planet. Why spend it comparing yourself to other? Why spend it in a job you hate? Why spend it fat, out-of-shape and without energy? Why spend it arguing over trifles? Why spend it without a central, burning purpose? Why spend it making yourself and the people around you weaker?

  6. Meditate. Just like a gym memberhsip, meditation is one of those things everybody says they do, but never “feels like doing.” No wonder we’re seeing a rise in mental health issues.

  7. Train your bollocks off. Your physiology, the way you move your body and how you train it, has a direct impact on your psychology. The fastest way to get out of a funk, is to do burpees or run up a hill until your lungs burn. The fastest way to get depressed, is to sit in front of your laptop all day, shoulders slumped, jerking off to porn, eating doritos.

  8. Become financially free and increase time affluence. Yes, I’m telling you that money buys happiness. If you use it correctly. If you spend money to get status (new luxury cars, oversized house, vacations that you flex with on Insta…) you’ll be a miserable fucker. But if use money as a way to free up more time, to become time rich, you’ll be a very happy man.

  都不解决终极问题。嘿嘿。 /无内容 - pifu01 03/01/22 (106)
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