三字經 (英文版)(ZT)
人之初, At the beginning of life,
性本善。 sex is good.
性相近, Basically, sex is nearly all the same in nature.
習相遠。 But it depends on how the way you do it.
苟不教, If you do not practice all the time,
性乃遷。 sex will leave you.
教之道, During the way of learning it,
貴以專。 the successful key is to make love with only one person.
昔孟母, Previously, a great mother named Mrs. Mon
擇鄰處。 chose her neighbour to avoid bad sex influence.
子不學, She taught her son that "if you don't study hard,
斷機杼。 your dick will become useless and broken."
竇燕山, A famous person called Dou,
有義方。 owned a very effective exciting medicine.
教五子, All his five sons took it,
名俱揚。 then their sexual ability became well-known.
養不教, If anyone who have children but they don't know how to do it,
父之過。 it is all the father's fault.
教不嚴, If they have lots of problems in doing it,
師之惰。 their teacher must be too lazy in telling them the details on sex.
子不學, If you refuse to learn sex,
非所宜。 that should be a big mistake.
幼不學, If you don't learn it in childhood,
老何為。 you will lose your ability when aged.
玉不琢, If you don't exercise your dick,
不成器。 it won't become hard and strong.
人不學, People who don't learn sex,
不知義。 their life will become meaningless.