記得無憂小時, 農村大隊裡, 公社裡經常組織群眾大會, 批鬥那些地富反壞右,要不就是農業學大寨, 批林批孔, 反擊右傾反安風, 批判鄧小平, 聲討四人幫。對當時無憂這個玩童, 熱熱鬧鬧, 熙熙攘攘, 人來人往, 人山人海,好玩極了。 這些群眾大會雖讓無憂浪費了好多童年時光, 但也讓無憂小小年紀, 學到了好多本領, 提高了政治嗅覺, 練就了一身鋼筋鐵骨,鐵嘴鋼牙, 使無憂很小就能言善辨,強詞奪理, 煽動人心, 鼓舞士氣,並雄才大略, 無堅不摧,勇往直前。
革命群眾甲,“奧把馬, 你要老實交代, 我黨政策歷來是坦白從寬, 抗拒從嚴, 不要忘了革命群眾的眼睛是雪亮的, 你是隱瞞不住的。
你說, 你為什麼 從前從不配戴我們美國的國旗? 而現在卻又戴了起來, 你說, 你是什麼意思?你是不是一匹披着羊皮的狼?”
奧把馬, “我說, 我說,我從前不配戴我們美國的國旗是因為我覺悟不高, 經過革命群眾教育後, 認識提高了,覺得美國政客不配戴我們美國的國旗, 是萬萬不可以的, 是當不成總統的, 我不是一匹披着羊皮的狼。”
革命群眾乙,“你為什麼與恐怖分子, 比兒, 愛兒的關係那麼密切? 你倆在他家的地下室, 鬼鬼祟祟的在幹什麼, 是不是想把我們敬愛的毛主席住的白宮給炸毀?“
奧把馬,”奧把馬不敢, 奧把馬不敢, 奧把馬跟比兒, 愛兒是巧合是鄰居, 巧合從過事, 奧把馬絕對不敢暗殺我們的偉大領袖毛主席, 副主席布什同志。“
革命群眾丙, ”奧把馬,你與那個投機倒把, 倒買倒賣房地產, 破壞資本主義建設的中東移民來的穆斯林分子是什麼關係? 為什麼他給你捐款, 還給你廉價的房?“
奧把馬,”他的捐款我已經退回去了, 廉價房子是我當時一時糊塗, 米篩兒一時貪心。請革命群眾原諒。“
革命群眾丁, ”奧把馬, 為什麼那麼多的恐怖分子, 敵對政府, 象什麼北朝的金大棒子, 伊朗的瘋狂政府都希望你能在我們美國纂黨奪權,甚至混入毛主席的身邊白宮? 你說, 你說, 你老實說,這是為什麼?“
奧把馬,”我說, 我說, 我老實說, 那是他們想加害於我奧把馬, 挑撥群眾斗群眾。“
革命群眾甲甲,”奧把馬, 那個狂妄牧師, 歇四地里的要上帝頹廢我們大美帝國 , 你為什麼跟他狼狽為奸, 不分不離?”
奧把馬,“他過去假心假意,對我好似父子, 經過革命群眾的教育, 我已經與他劃清界限, 斷絕了關心。奧把馬深深感激黨的愛護, 群眾的幫助,使奧把馬提高了革命覺悟。”
革命群眾乙乙, “你的老婆最近幾天才愛我們美國, 你說你愛我們美國幾天了? 一天, 兩天, 還是三天?“
奧把馬, ”我天天愛, 我回家要好好教訓教訓米篩兒, 要她也要天天愛,天天愛美國。“
革命小將無憂,”If Barack Obama works with William Ayers once in his life, Barack Obama is not qualified to be American president, or any political position. Period. It is very dangerous to select Barack Obama to be American President or any political position. It is a not racial or radical issue; it is an American security issue. American president must be loyal to America and love America dearly. Nothing is simpler than this. If Barack Obama shares the same ideas with William Ayers, Barack Obama can be an American traitor and he will sell American interests if he is elected.
I really and truly hopes that Barack Obama happens to know William Ayers and has nothing serious with William Ayers who is not only a radical and but a dangerous terrorist . Barack Obama has to tell Americans for sure that Barack Obama is Barack Obama, not William Ayers. Otherwise, sooner or later, Americans will be after Barack Obama’s relationship with William Ayers. And Americans will vote Barack Obama out of the White House even if he is elected if Americans found out his relationship with terrorists later on.
Wake up, Americans, democrats, republicans, independents, black , white, Hispanics, or whoever Americans; we can not simply elected Barack Obama to be our next president if he has a real and true relationship with William Ayers. It is too dangerous. We understand economic issues are very important, but we also know national security is even more important, especially when our country is in the war with terrorists. Electing a person with close tie with terrorists to be our next president can be fatal dangerous, a fatal disaster.
Barack Obama, tell us the truth, nothing but the truth. What’s your relationship with William Ayers? You can not fool us around. We Americans will be after you forever until you tell us the truth.”
眾多群眾,“無憂不愧是毛主席的紅小兵, 布什同志的紅小鬼, 人小志大, 心明眼亮, 立場堅定, 旗幟鮮明,奧把馬, 你要好好老實交代。”
Barack Obama, “I will tell the truth, please give a opportunity to change myself. I will change.Yes, I can!”
毛主席萬歲! 萬歲!! 萬萬歲!!!
布什同志健康!健康!! 再健康!!!