耗子药中有铊盐 |
送交者: 枣树林 2006年01月15日11:45:14 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话 |
So many posts. Have to repost my post again. > 一.有关事实 > 铊是一种缓发性的剧毒物品,致死量在一克左右,进入人体后有3-7日的潜伏期。 Do you know if you got a 致死量 you will die within 48 hrs? 铊 is a metal. Only its salt is toxic. Are you joking? 铊盐 is the common component for rat poison. Here is the link from American Chemical Society, you will not say they are with ... http://pubs.acs.org/cen/80th/thallium.html "To many people, thallium is synonymous with rat poison. It is more toxic to mammals than mercury, cadmium, and lead and has been responsible for many deliberate, accidental, occupational, and therapeutic poisonings of people since its discovery in 1861. For the past 30 years or so, I have been fascinated by the risks associated with the ongoing release of this highly toxic and unpredictable metal into our environment." Please look at fact, do not assume... I am not for or agaist anyone, just ... Below was my previous post:
我在这儿给出处: 来源: http://www.100md.com/html/Dir/2003/03/30/1413.htm 中文网页。有关铊盐毒性的介绍。 来源:http://www.lenntech.com/Periodic-chart-elements/Tl-en.htm 有意思: 耗子药中有铊盐 !!(硫酸铊) Health effects of thallium The human body absorbs thallium very effectively, especially through the skin, the breathing organs and the digestive tract. Thallium poisoning is mainly caused by accidental uptake of rat poison, which contains large amounts of thallium sulphate. Consequently, stomachaches will appear and the nervous system will be damaged. In some cases the damage is so irreversible that death will soon follow. When a human survives thallium poisoning often consequences of disturbances of the nervous system, such as trembling, paralyses and behavioural changes will remain. With unborn children thallium poisoning can cause congenital disorders. Due to accumulation of thallium in the bodies of humans, chronic effects consist, such as tiredness, headaches, depressions, lack of appetite, leg pains, hair loss and disturbances of the sight. Further effects that can be related to thallium poisoning are nerve pains and joint pains. These are consequences of thallium uptake through food. 大家少些指责, 多用点脑子。 不要先入为主。 贝先生的文章: 此作为在美国不可想象。 指责如此,。。。。 |
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