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笪缑: 评定理的“女王与战士”
送交者: 笪缑 2009年05月17日10:04:08 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
Suzanne的原诗(歌词)有点晦涩。定理同学的中文改写更是。定理同学说“这才是真雄与真雌的饭太稀”(fantasy?)。本人觉得这里面真雄与真雌都不重要。诗里讲的只有 power,Suzanne的原诗和定理的中文演绎都是。 原诗的语言非常优美。定理改写的文字则非常有个性,有意思。很有震憾感。 总体来说定理的改写的超过原诗。 下面是原作及Suzanne演唱的链接: SUZANNE VEGA LYRICS "The Queen & The Soldier" The soldier came knocking upon the queen's door He said, "I am not fighting for you any more" The queen knew she'd seen his face someplace before And slowly she let him inside. He said, "I've watched your palace up here on the hill And I've wondered who's the woman for whom we all kill But I am leaving tomorrow and you can do what you will Only first I am asking you why." Down in the long narrow hall he was led Into her rooms with her tapestries red And she never once took the crown from her head She asked him there to sit down. He said, "I see you now, and you are so very young But I've seen more battles lost than I have battles won And I've got this intuition, says it's all for your fun And now will you tell me why?" The young queen, she fixed him with an arrogant eye She said, "You won't understand, and you may as well not try" But her face was a child's, and he thought she would cry But she closed herself up like a fan. And she said, "I've swallowed a secret burning thread It cuts me inside, and often I've bled" He laid his hand then on top of her head And he bowed her down to the ground. "Tell me how hungry are you? How weak you must feel As you are living here alone, and you are never revealed But I won't march again on your battlefield" And he took her to the window to see. And the sun, it was gold, though the sky, it was gray And she wanted more than she ever could say But she knew how it frightened her, and she turned away And would not look at his face again. And he said, "I want to live as an honest man To get all I deserve and to give all I can And to love a young woman who I don't understand Your highness, your ways are very strange." But the crown, it had fallen, and she thought she would break And she stood there, ashamed of the way her heart ached She took him to the doorstep and she asked him to wait She would only be a moment inside. Out in the distance her order was heard And the soldier was killed, still waiting for her word And while the queen went on strangeling in the solitude she preferred The battle continued on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dt0sXRBLfJM 附贴: 定理:女王与战士 送交者: 定理 2009年05月16日11:44:49 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话 [定理偶闻suzane vega的同名英文歌而改写;这才是真雄与真雌的饭太稀,茶客们长长眼吧,呵。儿童老头两不宜,非常地不宜] 战士擂宫门 ‘不再为你战!’ 女王记得他面庞 宫门轻启风华现 缓缓地她 让他进门 ‘我在山那边 远望你宫殿 痛定问苍天 甚么样女人 驱赶我们去杀去死 去如兽般撕咬狂癫? 屠刀我已扔下 要杀要剐随便 但要先问你: 为甚么?’ 王袍挂起; 纤纤长腿 紧裹于灰蓝长裙; 随着拾级而上的水晶鞋 尖细的高跟敲地的节拍, 裙纹隐现 钩勒出 绷紧如弓 完美曲线 远随登堂入室 斜挂鲜红画绢 王冠 第一次摘下 在陌生人前, 亮出柔悠秀发 盘起的高贵一髻 黑丝面纱 哪能掩盖 精致绝伦之面 素手指身前,‘坐’ ‘终于得一见 竟如此年青! 但我已九死一生 悟出这厮杀万千 都只在博你一哂 告诉我 为甚么?!’ 高傲眼神 直盯战士 ’你不会明白, 连试都不该,’ 但她的胸脯 如处女初夜 起伏汹涌 银纽扣,高领衣 隔开战士的抚慰 ‘一个秘密我强咽, 暗火燃烧之线 烧不断 肠寸断 血流不断’ 玉般的端庄 雕像般的矜持 把万千苦痛 紧闭住的 面纱下的 暗红的唇; 但拉紧如弓的裙下 春潮已渗 湿了黑丝裤袜 ‘放开饥饿之兽 你柔弱之灵 独居深宫 空谷幽兰 来饱享 大自然 雷霆震怒!’ 巨浪击磐石 磐石碎巨浪 涨了落 落了涨; 黑丝面纱下的唇 仍抿如猩红之玉 ‘看一眼战场,’ 战士扶女王 伫立前窗 太阳金灿 天幕灰黄 她要的太多 多过她能讲 太可怕的想法 竟令她也心慌 ‘我从此要当 正直的男子汉 争取我所应得 奉献力所能偿 爱一绝代美女 谜一样的忧伤’ 内心痛不欲支 端庄亭亭玉立 为心痛而羞耻 黑丝面纱 翩然撩起 清澈秋波 冷于冰 辣似火 深如水 绝美的真相 残忍的绝美 顿悟 不需要眼泪 裙 髻 唇 无言 交融 冲撞 炸裂 大喜 大悲 无我 游离 拼尽最后一息 战士:‘告知他一切。’ ‘他将与你无异,’ 隔着长袖皮手套 轻抚渐冷的身躯 吸吮着他 最后一滴 生命之髓 日又出 女王令 传大地; 战士的头颅 高挂在旗巅; 又开始 新的血战
  这篇应该上首页的导读。  /无内容 - 桦树 05/17/09 (191)
    文青,文中,还是文老呢?  /无内容 - TNNDQ 05/17/09 (198)
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