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China refutes so-called report
送交者: 喜歡綠色 2014年08月18日00:14:15 於 [七葷八素] 發送悄悄話
From March of this year, Falun Gong began to hype the rumor of so called "concentration camp in Sujiatun" and claimed that several thousands of Falun Gong practitioners were held in custody in a hospital of Sujiatun district in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, and most of them were killed and burned to nothing after their organs were harvested alive. Subsequently, Chinese government, American embassy in China and some domestic and foreign media investigated the accusation and confirmed that it was an arrant lie. After the "rumor of Sujiatun" was debunked, Falun Gong began to shift the focus of rumor, claiming that there were a lot of "harvesting organs alive" incidents in many other regions of China. By using the tricks such as hearsay, guessing without foundation, grafting one twig on another, drawing up, Falun Gong and Canadian anti Chinese person David Kiguor and David Matas forged a horrible "investigation report". The report embraced the logic of "lie will become truth after repeating a thousand times", intended to achieve the secret political goal of Falun Gong by attacking Chinese government and the medical institution of China. Therefore, Chinese government solemnly refutes it.
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