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转贴:the hypocrisy of the American
送交者: 求真知 2018年08月21日17:30:49 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

这是两位朋友之间的对话,是关于凤凰的报道“中美贸易战其实无关贸易 这两大事件在推动”的讨论。




I am not a political commentator.  I am only speaking what comes to my mind.  

I suspect the US is so used to dictating to the world on how to live and how to govern.  It cannot stand anyone else sharing that position.  The world is tired of listening to the US, especially, when they found the US position is not rational nor reasonable.  It is certainly not in the best interest of the world.  It is not even in the best interest of the US.  The many wars started by the US since WW 2 caused so many deaths.  No amount of human right talks can cover that fact.  I believe more and more people will stand up against the US leadership, and will choose their own path.  Even small countries like the Philippines, Malaysia and South Korea are starting to demand a say on their own future.  Only Taiwan who thinks that they are solely depended on the US will continue to follow the US blindly.  Even Taiwan would not accept the US exportation of beef and pork.  When it comes to finance, countries are much more independant.





Thank you for your comment.  I agree with you.  The important thing is to be able to listen and think about other people's view point.  We can learn something in the process.  If we close our mind to anyone else opinion, it will be our loss.





Again, I agree with your viewpoint.  I notice a distinct hostility that American feel against the Chinese.  In 1896, American congress passed the only law that discriminate against one and only specified races, and that is the Chinese immigrants.  Chinese were not allowed to migrate to the US.  Even Chinese citizens cannot bring their wives to the US.  Chinese basically had no rights in the US.  If they were victims of harassment, bullying or discrimination, they have no recourse to address their suffering.  They could not get jobs in American firms.  They were not allowed to buy real estate property or land in the US.  They were not allowed to own a business in the US.  They were not allowed to marry White woman.  Basically, they could only live and work in the Chinatown, which is another word for "Ghetto".  This is one reason that I have no respect for the American request for human rights in China or in any place in the world.  This law  was not reversed until 1956.  President Lincoln passed a proclamation in 1863 against black slaves, but Chinese remained yellow slaves long after that in the US.  American congress passed the 14th amendment to the constitution to declare all people are equal under the law in the second half of the 19th Century, and yet, the American continue to discriminate against Chinese without any restriction.  Chinese were picked on by all races, especially by the White Supremacists.  Even Black pick on Chinese since the Chinese tend to be more wealthy and do not fight back.

This feeling of hostility against Chinese did not started with the Communistic government in China.  It was strictly because Chinese worked harder and asked for less wage.  People of other races did not like the Chinese competing for job and other financial advancement.  Harvard, the world famous university known for its enlightenment, is infamous for discriminate against Chinese student applicants even today.  They used the excuse of racial diversity..  Chinese students consistently perform superior to student of other races, yet Chinese applicants have more difficulties to be accepted into the university.

The longer I live in the US the more I notice the hypocrisy of the American and the US society.


港媒:中美贸易战其实无关贸易 这两大事件在推动













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