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送交者: 从上而生 2020月05月20日19:03:09 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: “纯正的教义不救人”吗?——怒斥老N的谬论从上而生 于 2020-05-20 18:37:13


稍微有点解经常识的人都知道,解经exegesis这个字是将圣经的意思“读出”来,而不是信徒在“圣经以外”建立一个“独立于圣经以外”的系统。当我们说,郁金香是“纯正的教义sound doctrine”,不是说人建立了一个人的系统跟圣经compete,而是说圣灵在敬虔的信徒内心中做工,将圣经“内”的意思解释清楚了,而这正是牧者最重要的工作。当“耶稣出来,见有许多的人,就怜悯他们。因为他们如同羊没有牧人一般。于是开口教训他们许多道理。”(可6:34)当耶稣看到这些人遭受各样的苦难时心如刀绞,但耶稣的举动让许多人大跌眼镜:“开口教训他们许多道理”,希腊文原文的意思是:教导他们许多的教义!!!不是一点点,而是“许多的”,英文翻译得贴近原文的是at length。清教徒在讲道时2个小时以上是常见的事情,因着牧师与会众都被神的道深深抓住,但牧师讲道不是“朗读圣经”,而是“解经”,这就是为什么“解经讲道exposional preaching”是最合乎圣经模式的敬拜“在真理中敬拜”(约4:24),因为这种敬拜乃是“神的道兴旺”(徒6:7)的标志,其结果就是“在耶路撒冷门徒数目加增的甚多。也有许多祭司信从了这道。”所以,老N鼓吹教义不救人是不折不扣的邪恶!☝️

EXEGESIS [ĕk sə jēˊsəs] (Gk. exḗgēsis “bringing out”).† The explanation and exposition of a text, with attention to such matters as determination of text, translation and paraphrase, and interpretation of structure, setting, and purpose. Concern for clarification of meaning, prompted in part by cultural and historical separation of author and reader, has necessitated exegesis of the Scriptures since biblical times; methods employed have been literal, allegorical, moral, anagogical or mystical, and, more recently, critical (e.g., literary, historical; see Biblical Criticism). In the most basic sense, exegesis is concerned with the meaning of a text as regards the author and ancient addressees, but it may also be conducted with a view toward application to the contemporary situation (sometimes called “exposition”).

This endeavor requires an understanding of the Bible’s historical, sociopolitical, and cultural milieu and a sensitivity to Hebrew and Greek thought. Personal interpretations (eisegesis) must be avoided, a difficult task since the scholar is often influenced by contemporary cultural theories as well as interpretations influenced by Jewish and Christian tradition.

See Interpretation, Biblical.[1]

[1] Myers, A. C. (1987). In The Eerdmans Bible dictionary (p. 361). Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans.

  大家是要学课本呢,还是学辅导教材? /无内容 - xiahong 05/20/20 (101)
      偷换概念的高手  /无内容 - xiahong 05/20/20 (94)
        愿闻其详。也请N兄帮助我,我哪里偷换了哪个概念?  /无内容 - weak 05/21/20 (103)
          他蛮喜欢换概念的,例如 - ardmore 05/21/20 (148)
            我的看法,不代表他人本意。  /无内容 - weak 05/21/20 (85)
            他--指的是weak  /无内容 - ardmore 05/21/20 (77)
            没人教怎么学?教的问题解决了,学就容易了。  /无内容 - weak 05/21/20 (99)
              xia弟兄说的是学什么,你却说怎么学 - nngzh 05/21/20 (79)
                从各级课本开始学。觉得太简单就学各级辅导材料。 - weak 05/21/20 (81)
                  谢谢弟兄 - nngzh 05/21/20 (107)
                    你确信是他的意思?要X兄自己确认。  /无内容 - weak 05/22/20 (117)
                      俺假设弟兄你是真的不知道,不是故意装不知道 - nngzh 05/22/20 (101)
    就你这水平也想给老古下套?你觉得你读懂老古这一贴了吗?  /无内容 - 从上而生 05/20/20 (91)
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