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That is a typical nonsense!
送交者: turuturu 2008月11月04日09:22:23 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 言真輕:在美國的孩子最好先不學漢字言真輕 於 2008-11-03 14:23:37
Learning a language has to start from very young which could be efficient and well mastering it. Only learning Chinese by talking without remembering the words is an easier way but creats a huge consequence. Literacy in a language is to be able to read, if one cannot read one is called illiteracy. This is a cripple and which can create a huge problem in the future. Remembering pictures in Chinese characters is quite easy for the Chinese kids in overseas, younger the better. And, the problem is the parents, usually don't have the patient or skills to teach everyday.
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