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western logics vs.eastern 悟性
送交者: turuturu 2008月12月08日20:39:43 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 言真輕:在美華人二代如想有出息,就別那麼早學漢語漢字言真輕 於 2008-12-04 15:40:37
Disagree with your point about the logical mind from west and the imagination mind from east.

I believe that they both important and they can help each other to reach synergies.

But, ones don't know how to teach their kids properly are the exceptions of my point, since they are not qualify to teach our new generations about the culture essence from east.

Guys, the essence of globalization is not only covering resources of different materials, economies, also include the politics, technologies, and cultures. Definitely, the thinking method belongs to the same domain.

It is going to take long time to reach the harmonization stage in future. But, we are the pineers to apply such interation of both east and west cultures into our second generation who are ABC kids.

The main issue here is how to, not yes or not.

Logical mind without imagination is still a fool! Can't you see this point? By both of your logics and imagination.
  Good! Another good article... /無內容 - layworld 12/08/08 (124)
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