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Learn Language by 18 is Late!
送交者: turuturu 2008月12月09日08:15:36 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 言真轻:在美华人二代如想有出息,就别那么早学汉语汉字言真轻 于 2008-12-04 15:40:37
Your point is dangerous: learning second language after reaching 18 is too late. This is a torture to most people, unless someone is extremely telanted with languages.

As we learned from linguistic and physiologic experts, it is critical for kids to learn their languages as early as possible due to the nature of human brain development. Starting before 3 is ideal. After 6, one might got some accents. After18, your need a tongue twister operations from language teachers.

Please stop misleading people. Even though you have your point, please don't forget to consider the word of consequences, which obviously you didn't learn well from the east wisdoms.

Suggest you get on the google to see the difference between Chess and Weiqi (Go). You should learn something there.
  你完全没有读懂! - 言真轻 12/09/08 (186)
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