这两本书他都听说过, 但还没读过. |
送交者: 笑菡 2009月01月11日14:18:27 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话 |
回 答: 菡姐姐请进 由 风轻云淡 于 2009-01-10 16:13:26 |
I'm very impressed with how you spent your own reward money on books for me. That was very kind. I have heard of these books but never read them yet. I remember reading about how you helped your mom and the car battery. I would like to meet you one day. 大小子 |
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历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
2008: | 幸福快乐的人生秘诀 | |
2008: | 快乐的念头 | |
2007: | 今天来美二十年 | |
2007: | 叹为观止的美国人性教育 | |
2006: | 一个老年新移民的自强和心声 | |
2006: | 儿童便后清理有学问 | |
2005: | 了解接纳自己的孩子: 兴趣与职业 | |
2005: | 不可思议: 第13亿公民为何生在北京? | |