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送交者: 笑微 2009月02月18日21:25:23 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 謝謝笑微誇獎。小老虎才大氣呢笪緱 於 2009-02-18 20:36:52
又草草胡編了一篇,您給評一評, 您的話她聽不進,可我愛聽!哈哈。
The Princess and the Servant
By 小老虎

Once upon a time in china, there was a princess and her father-the emperor. She was very beautiful and was very obedient. But the princess had a small problem, she was always on the poor side and donated a lot of money to the farmers who produce food for the people, but don’t get paid. She believed that not getting paid was not fair for them. She soon became popular in the poor village and started to make a lot of speeches for the freedom of poor. But the emperor soon found out and he sent guards to watch over her day and night. On the fifteenth day, the princess couldn’t stand her detention any more so she broke out. She then warned to the emperor that if he doesn’t let her go she will have to marry off to Ben Yu (笨魚). The emperor was so furious that he shouted,” ALRIGHT PRINCESS I WILL SENT YOU OFF, BUT YOU WILL BE SORRY! ” . Everyone was in shock, but the princess fought back the tears and strolled slowly out the doors, and passed the river of sand into Ben Yu’s garden. Four years later, the princess married Ben Yu and taught him how to read and write. After he mastered reading and writing, he was taught how to ride a horse. After a week, an invitation for a poem contest arrived. The princess encouraged Ben Yu to sign up. So Ben Yu signed up and got first place. When the word spread to the emperor, he wanted to see the couple, But what the emperor didn’t know was that Ben Yu’s wife was actually his daughter! After the emperor found out, he let them rule after him in the palace happily ever after.

The End
    彩虹請進 - 笑微 02/19/09 (324)
        哈哈,彩虹家的小寶貝太有才了! - 笑微 02/19/09 (222)
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