念五年級的大小子喜歡關心時事, 這半年來對金融危機很興趣. 我靈機一動, 何不把家教金融常識當成孩子日常學習的一種: 音樂,運動,中文,金融... 只要他感興趣.
May 15,2009
How a bank makes and loses money
When working normally, a bank would operate like this; Depositor 1, Depositor 2, and Depositor 3, deposit $100,000, $200,000, and $1,000, respectfully. Then Borrower 1 and Borrower 2 borrow $150,000 and $151,000, respectfully. The Borrowers pay 5% interest on the amount they borrow; the Depositors get 1% interest on the money they deposit; and the bank gets the remaining 4% interest. But, say Borrower 1 or Borrower 2 can’t pay back their loans, because they lost their job or income. The banks would lose the deposited money. When Depositors 1, 2, and 3 want to withdraw money, they cannot withdraw because the bank already lost their money. Then the FDIC steps in and makes sure they get their money back. Then the FDIC takes over the bank because they have no money.
Here is another example of how the banks can lose money: Someone borrows $600,000 to buy a $700,000 house. He has to pay a monthly loan payment, a year later he lost his job. The bank takes back the house to try and sell it; however, the house value decreased by 30% to $490,000. Since the house is worth less, the bank loses $110,000. It may not seem to be a lot for a billion dollar bank, but, when 2,000,000 people are doing the same, the losses can add up to $220,000,000,000 (two hundred twenty billion) or more.
The banks could fix the problem by letting people borrow less, and only if it does not look like they are going to lose their jobs.
The government can help by reducing their spending to a certain level so they are not spending everyone’s money in 2 years, then cutting taxes, and help create jobs in companies. One job created won’t make a difference when 8.9% of the population is unemployed.
If I can make decisions, I would suggest that all parents buy a DS for their children to stimulate the economy. :-))
去年十月寫的"The Economy"