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Let me start with a couple of
送交者: 福村 2008月12月30日18:09:42 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Excuse my ignorance, but...stinger 於 2008-12-30 14:24:39
Let me start with a couple of corrections:

- Should be “you folks”, not “your folks”. They have different meanings.

- “… entertain lecturing others” means “allow or tolerate the act (by another person) of lecturing others”. That doesn’t seem to be what you are trying to say. I guess you are trying to say “feel entertained lecturing others”.

You have my apologies if these corrections offend you again.

Now that we straightened out your question, let me answer it. Ignorance per se does not make you an idiot. It becomes a problem when you refuse to admit it, and continue to do damage with your ignorance.

To be fair, your English is not particularly bad among Chinese, it is much better than other self-haters around here. But your English is flawed.

When you start to trash your own culture and language (which happen to be mine too), you are making yourself a fair target. You are making a mockery of the view points you are cheering due to your incompetence in the subject matter.

Here is my two cents to you and people like you. If you want to reform the Chinese culture or language because they made you so ashamed, why don’t you start with yourself? Do hope you get it this time.
  一個否定漢字科學性的人必須英語好嗎 /無內容 - 言真輕 12/31/08 (201)
      所有的論據都是建立在和英文的比較上? - stinger 01/01/09 (169)
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