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My reply to 基甸恩典's response
送交者: stinger 2009月01月07日10:28:54 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 基甸恩典:回stinger:為什麼“中學為體”,總站上風基甸恩典 於 2009-01-06 23:33:00
First, I apologize that I have to write in English 'cause I don't have Chinese software in the office. Secondly, I am very grateful for your insight into my questions.

I basically agree with you on the first one and second one, except, however, I feel that the diverse layers in your categorization are possibly not so clear-cut in reality. They are to be related and will affect each other depending on circumstance.

Your explanation on why people show indifference on cheating sounds to me is less convincing. If whatever in the constitution does not matter to them since the constitution is not directly related to their livelihood, how do you explain that around 60s, millions of Chinese died out of hunger because the ccp's policies and the natural disasters combined? Today, the parents living in the countryside seldom show their indignation to the degradation by the government to lowest class in the country either.

You also throw some insight on the function of religion and three branches of culture, I feel that we have a lot to talk about from these...

Finally, I like your analogy of a 3 dimensional object describing what a good education should be, very vivid and creative.

Hope this helps
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