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Try a bit harder pls
送交者: 空军大院 2009月02月06日12:23:52 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: It doesn't help at all言真轻 于 2009-02-06 11:55:43
To put it this way, God is NOT something entirely outside of you, a total stranger to you or an alien to you. As a matter of fact, he is part of you - although it can be a minuscule part of you so insignificant you are just not aware of anything of you related to him. But in fact, all you did is part of his will - needless to say you have a part of you own too. So when you seek anything glorious or for divine truth - like what you are doing now? - which is totally out of your quest for bodily pleasure or physical needs, you are A messenger of the God: so do it at your own peril of the corporal part of yourself being to fulfill the aspiration of your supreme being.

Hope this helps
  I hope so! - 言真轻 02/06/09 (227)
    You have reached such a level - 空军大院 02/06/09 (217)
      The irrelevancy makes me nuts. - 言真轻 02/06/09 (225)
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