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Please be precise
送交者: 空軍大院 2009月02月22日07:42:43 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 賜教不敢當, 只不過給個提議。c_y_lo 於 2009-02-22 05:10:04
Your suggestion is just too vague to be of any practical value to me - which is totally against your principle - assuming you have - of being a physicist who is either a Newton' disciple or Einstein's so far as long as you haven't created your own yet.

I sense that you must have felt that there is something not quite comfortable to you in my post that you just haven't been able, or unwilling, to point out - which is exactly what i am so eagerly waiting for.

Please offer your thoughts on this which is very much appreciated!
  Related theories should be -- - c_y_lo 02/23/09 (204)
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