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Quantum theory is not final!
送交者: c_y_lo 2009月03月01日18:26:42 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: You are the Real Mccoy here空军大院 于 2009-03-01 17:33:19
The real arguments are between Bohr and Einstein. However, their arguments are not really meaningful because their assumptions are questionable. Quantum theory is now obviously not a finally theory because the assumption that photons have only electromagentic energy is wrong. The reason is that electromagnetic energy cannot be equivalent to mass, but photons can. Thus, quantum thoery is clearly not a final theory because it is incomplete.
  sounds like good news - kenn2003 03/03/09 (219)
    now i see some merits - kenn2003 03/03/09 (244)
  Thank you the enlightenment! /无内容 - 空军大院 03/01/09 (212)
    不必客气!  /无内容 - c_y_lo 03/02/09 (154)
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