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Very interesting...
送交者: 空軍大院 2009月03月03日10:58:07 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 中美在思維方式上的一個有趣的差別言真輕 於 2009-03-03 10:38:54
let me ask you one more question if you don't mind. Some of us here are also trained in the west and probably got their Ph. D or Master degrees too. But, of course, they still can speak Chinese, if they did not forget it. To you mind, since the two languages are vastly different regarding clarity, do they stand any chance putting it out clearer than others who did not have the western training?

thanks for your 2 cents
    OK, let's talk on 楊振寧 - 空軍大院 03/03/09 (310)
      那是毫無疑問的! - 言真輕 03/03/09 (210)
        made so many statements with - 空軍大院 03/03/09 (200)
          如果我說石頭是硬的,你大概不會找我要統計數據的! - 言真輕 03/03/09 (184)
            那些缺乏常識的空腦袋才最喜歡和別人叫板。嘿嘿。  /無內容 - gsm0 03/03/09 (217)
  你這段 - 槓桿 03/03/09 (241)
    Beg to disagree - 空軍大院 03/03/09 (239)
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