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You made a good point
送交者: laotzi 2008月07月15日23:56:44 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: aa88:再谈北京北京蹩脚英语aa88 于 2008-07-15 23:14:34
One other thing I noticed when I was in China was that every clothing store and every departmental store uses White or Black ( though mostly white) looking mannequins. This is true in the biggest cities and smallest towns. Somehow nobody has ever thought of using Chinese looking mannequins to show the clothes they sell.
I was with a white colleague in Shanghai once. He noticed the oddity and asked me what the reason was. It was mighty embarrassing and I couldn't come up with an answer and I didn't want to tell him that Chinese worship the west and they think no Chinese is good looking enough to demo the clothes they wear.
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