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Come on, 狸貓
送交者: 空軍大院 2009月03月18日09:59:57 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 空軍老弟,這次跟你無關,別來參合狸貓 於 2009-03-18 09:30:00
if you don't answer this question, they two will ask you all the same. Don't you see that your entire argument is based on the "sexual harassment" accusation and if it turns out that there is no proof that the other party is an opposite sex, you would feel very embarrassed, don't you see?
  I have good news for you - 笪緱 03/18/09 (259)
    but this is all you guys - 空軍大院 03/18/09 (246)
      大院兒,說你思辨能力尚欠火候 - 笪緱 03/18/09 (254)
        Well, well, well, hold there! - 空軍大院 03/18/09 (215)
          Based on your reasoning - 笪緱 03/18/09 (172)
            Let's pray for Yan then - 空軍大院 03/18/09 (124)
    大院兒, you are not suggesting - 笪緱 03/18/09 (190)
      my policy is not to say yes, - 空軍大院 03/18/09 (184)
        "Dont's ask, don't tell" - 笪緱 03/18/09 (196)
          No. - 空軍大院 03/18/09 (179)
  我已經說過了,只跟幾點恩甸對話,sorry /無內容 - 狸貓 03/18/09 (176)
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