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poetry is a high form of
送交者: 要飯花子 2009月04月06日11:55:37 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Your knowledge is only knowing邏輯 於 2009-04-06 11:35:21
communications, and therefore i choose it to convey my thoughts. my points of view have been clearly stated. but Yan has been ignoring them.
again, you have erred in your logic. if you do not even know the names, how will you ever know who has done what and hence what has been done. history is not for the faint-hearted.
  from not know to know takes - 邏輯 04/06/09 (237)
    what's wrong with my statement - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (199)
    you got shallow thinking - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (237)
      那就請創造中國字母,2000年下來,古人沒有發現微積分嘛。  /無內容 - 邏輯 04/06/09 (246)
        calculus was not invented - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (250)
          please check it again. 發現!!!  /無內容 - 邏輯 04/06/09 (254)
            what's wrong with my - 要飯花子 04/06/09 (276)
              You're right and I am also - 邏輯 04/06/09 (214)
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