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Let me say this
送交者: 空軍大院 2009月04月14日12:12:33 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 我是說‘變’完全可以用既有的數學語言來表達,定理 於 2009-04-14 12:02:14
If Becoming can be expressed in math or not is not my concern in this post. Possibly you are right, it can. But as you mentioned math a lot, my understanding is that the math is the science of Quality expressed in Quantity. it is like "digital", not "analogue" in a way - possibly not very clear to you but this is the best i can express my self. As to if math has Becoming in it, it is a good topic. Possibly Hegel already talked about it, just i am ignorant of this part.

Hope this helps
  as far as i understand, - 定理 04/14/09 (368)
    You might like to give a brief - 空軍大院 04/14/09 (352)
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