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送交者: 亦明_ 2022月05月17日14:18:55 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 就方舟子剽窃科唬等问题给《新华每日电讯》的八封公开信亦明_ 于 2022-05-17 12:20:11





















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[2012-06-08 07:39]


[2012-06-01 07:58]


[2012-05-11 07:06]


[2012-04-06 07:41]


[2012-02-17 06:08]


[2011-07-15 07:35]






《新华每日电讯》为方舟子打出的招牌是“知名科普作家”。但事实是,方舟子在大学本科学的是细胞生物学,博士研究生时期学的是生物化学,而他 “科普”出丑最多的领域,恰恰就是他的所学专业。所以,早在十多年前他刚刚获得博士学位之际,方舟子就被海外网友蔑称为“猪油博士”。【3】也就是因为如此,尽管中国不良媒体竭力把方舟子捧为无所不知,尽管毫无羞耻的方舟子在中国社会冒充无所不能,但他却一直不敢“科普”自己的所学专业。可想而知,这样一个连自己所学专业都懵懵懂懂之人,在“科普”三教九流、五行八作的知识之时,会是怎样的捉襟见肘,丑态百出。详细论述方舟子在《新华每日电讯》上到底贩卖了多少无知,需要大量的篇幅,也没有这个必要。就在两天前,光明网就发表了美国依阿华大学廖俊林博士的文章,指出方舟子两个月前在《新华每日电讯》上发表的《当你被蚊子叮上》含有14条知识性错误。【4】而早在201110月,廖俊林博士还曾发表文章,揭露方舟子在《杰斐逊的化石》一文中贩卖的13条错误。【5】事实是,揭露方舟子贩卖无知的文章,在网络上多如牛毛,俯拾皆是,而《新华每日电讯》这家自称的“中央级新锐主流大报”却在不断地向中国社会倾倒科学垃圾。










[2012-04-20 07:55]


[2012-01-20 07:18] 


[2011-09-30 06:59]


[2011-05-27 07:41] 


[2011-05-13 07:01] 


[2011-04-15 07:51] 


[2011-04-01 07:40] 


[2011-03-18 07:33]


[2011-02-25 07:23]





































4】廖俊林:《看方舟子如此的蚊子科普》,光明网卫生频道,2012-07-04 12:06








8】见新语丝读书论坛:2011-05-03, 16:39:52










【1】2011年7月15日,方舟子在《新华每日电讯》上发表《新“三人行”:德先生赛先生,还有李先生》一文。该文三天后以《科学与自由的交融》为题在新语丝网站和方舟子新浪博客上发表。7月19日,美国《科学》杂志撰稿人、方舟子的长期支持者郝炘在科学网博客上发表文章,《方舟子这样写文章不好》,指控方舟子这篇文章涉嫌抄袭美国作家Timonthy Ferris


22012217日,方舟子在《新华每日电讯》发表《我们为什么会打喷嚏?》一文515日,未名空间网友发帖子指出,这篇文章是抄袭之作,抄袭的铁证就是“原文中的这只是我的观点(But that is just my opinion)一句被删除,被方舟子当作真理科普了。”(原文链接已经失效,网页复制见附件《跟着方舟子学抄袭》)。







维基百科Humans grow fastest (other than in the womb) as infants and toddlers, rapidly declining from a maximum at birth to roughly age 2, tapering to a slowly declining rate, and then during the pubertal growth spurt, a rapid rise to a second maxima (at around 11–12 years for female, and 13–14 years for male), followed by a steady decline to zero. On average, female growth velocity trails off to zero at about 15 or 16 years, whereas the male curve continues for approximately 3 more years, going to zero at about 18–20. These are also critical periods where stressors such as malnutrition (or even severe child neglect) have the greatest effect.



《科学美国人》:For example, in 2004 Miao-Xin Li of Hunan Normal University in China and his colleagues estimated a height heritability of 65 percent, based on a Chinese population of 385 families. (见:Chao-Qiang Lai. How much of human height is genetic and how much is due to nutrition? Scientific American, December 11, 2006.)【注:这篇文章是上面维基百科“身高”辞条引用的一篇文献。】




《科学美国人》:For example, say a man 175 cm tall marries a woman 165 cm tall, and both
are from a Chinese population with a population mean of 170 cm for men and 160 cm for women. We can predict the height of their children, assuming the heritability is 65 percent for men and 60 percent for women in this population. For a son, the expected height difference from the population mean is: 0.65 x [(175 - 170) + (165 - 160)] / 2, which equals 3.25cm; for a daughter, the difference is 0.6 x [(175 - 170) + (165 - 160)] / 2,which equals 3 cm. Thus, the expected height of a son is 170 + 3.2, or 173.2cm, and of a daughter 160 + 3, or 163 cm. On the other hand, environmental effects can add 1.75 cm to a son's height: 0.35 x [(175 - 170) + (165 - 160)] /2, and 2 cm to a daughter's: 0.4 x [(175 - 170) + (165 - 160)] / 2. Of course, these predictions only reflect the mean expected height for each of the two siblings (brothers and sisters); the actual observed height may be different. (见:Chao-Qiang Lai.
How much of human height is genetic and how much is due to nutrition?




《科学美国人》:Can special treatment and nutrient supplements increase the height further?
The answer is yes. The most important nutrient for final height is protein in childhood. Minerals, in particular calcium, and vitamins A and D also influence height. (见:Chao-Qiang Lai.
How much of human height is genetic and how much is due to nutrition?




“方舟子的科普,不过是翻译一些外国的文献(节选)。它刚刚发的博文#人们为什么爱美腿#,是抄袭的2010年的一篇外国论文Leg Length, Body Proportion, and Healthy: A Review with a Note on Beauty.”(注:该微博已被删除。)


“相声说交大”没有做出方舟子抄袭的文字比较,下面是笔者根据这个线索做的对比 (“Leg Length, Body Proportion, and Healthy: A Review with a Note on Beauty”一文的作者是英国Loughborough University的科学家,Barry Bogin * and Maria Inês Varela-Silva,文章发表在Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2010, 7, 1047-1075):




Bogin & Varela-SilvaBuilding on the work of Vitruvius, a first century B.C. Roman architect and writer, Leonardo da Vinci (b1452-d1519) developed canons, or rules, for drawing human proportions. According to these canons, human body height is to be the length of eight heads, with an additional one-quarter head for neck length. Leg length is to be four head lengths. Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man (c. 1487) is the iconic illustration of the canons.




Bogin & Varela-SilvaHuman adult body proportions are brought about by differential growth of the body segments [21]. At birth, head length is approximately one quarter of total body length, while at 25 years of age the head is only approximately one-eighth of the total length.




Bogin & Varela-SilvaHuman growth is highly plastic during the years of growth and development, responding to the overall quality of living conditions [11]. From the perspective of developmental plasticity, leg length, both in terms of absolute size and relative to total stature, is an indicator of the quality of the environment for growth during infancy, childhood and the juvenile years of development.




Bogin & Varela-SilvaLeg length is a sensitive indicator of the quality of the environment. Maya children in the USA show relatively longer legs in proportion to stature than their counterparts in Guatemala. By 2000, Maya migrants to the USA were 11.54 cm taller and 6.83 cm longer-legged than Maya children in Guatemala.




Bogin & Varela-SilvaRelatively shorter legs and shorter stature due to relatively shorter legs may increase the risk for overweight (fatness), coronary heart disease and diabetes [103,112,122-125]. These same proportions are associated with liver dysfunction (increased levels of the liver enzymes alanine aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, aspartate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase) [126].




Bogin & Varela-SilvaThere are complications in the relationship between LL, health, SES, and better environments for growth. One such complication is noted by Schooling et al. [131,132] in an analysis of a cross-sectional sample from of 9998 Chinese people aged at least 50 years old and measured in 2005–2006. SH and H were measured and LL estimated as H-SH. The growth environment for the 50+ year old adults was estimated via a questionnaire asking about own education, father’s occupation, parental literacy, and parental possessions. The authors find that leg length and height, but not sitting height, vary with some childhood conditions. Participants with two literate parents who owned more possessions have longer legs. Unexpectedly, the participants’ education level and their father’s occupation have no effect on height or leg length. Higher scores for these variables do associate with an earlier age at menarche for women participants. The authors explain that earlier menarche for girls, and earlier puberty for boys, will terminate growth at an earlier age. This may explain why higher SES of the participants and their parents, as measured by education and father’s occupation, did not associate with longer LL. That parental literacy and possessions did associate with LL indicates that researchers must focus on factors that are socially and historically relevant to the population under study, rather than a generic measure of SES.


Leg length and proportion are important in the perception of human beauty, which is often considered a sign of health and fertility


方舟子:如果我们把人和类人猿相比,会发现人类的腿相对较长,而手(前肢)相对较短。相对于前肢骨头长度,人的腿部骨头平均来说比类人猿长了34%。长腿是人类的特征,这个特征在400多万年前人类祖先与黑猩猩祖先分手时就已经出现了。当时人类开始了直立行走,而只有当腿相对较长,长度达到约占身高的二分之一时, 直立行走、奔跑的效率才会最高,才有更好的生存能力


Bogin & Varela-SilvaThe human species is distinguished from the non-human primates by several anatomical features. Among these are proportions of the arms and legs relative to total body length. The human difference is illustrated in Figure 5. In proportion to total body length, measured as stature, modern human adults have relatively long legs and short arms. Quantitative differences between adult humans, chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), and bonobos (Pan paniscus) are given in Table 1. The combined values for the intermembral index and the humerofemoral index show that humans have leg bones averaging 34% longer then the non-human apes, relative to the length of arm bones. The primary reason for this is human bipedal locomotion, a behavior which evolved at least by 4.4 million years ago (MYA), as shown in the fossil hominin species Ardipithecus ramidus. Leg length must approximate 50 percent of total stature to achieve the biomechanical efficiency of the human striding bipedal gait. In modern humans this happens at the end of the childhood life history stage, which occurs at about 7.0 years of age [11]. By adulthood, human species-specific body proportions allow for not only the bipedal striding gait, but also—as has been observed, experimentally tested, or speculatively proposed—for technological manipulation [12], more efficient thermoregulation in a tropical savannah environment [13-16], the freeing of the hands for carrying objects and infants [17], for long distance running [18], and for gesticulation, communication, language, and social-emotional contact [19].


实际上,方舟子还抄袭了另外一篇文章:Piotr Sorokowski. 2010. Attractiveness of Legs Length in Poland and Great Britain.  J Hum Ecol, 31(3): 145-149.




Piotr SorokowskiUntil now, the LBR preferences were investigated only in a few countries. The preference for proportionately longer-legged individuals might therefore be a phenomenon specific to Western cultures. For example, it could be a result of exposure to media images in which women with relatively longer legs are presented as more attractive (as e.g. the preferences for thinness and fatness of a body – Feldman et al. 1988). Sorokowski (2009) found that female models (N=86) were 7.93 centimeters taller than the average Polish women. Moreover, the models had legs 6.53 cm longer than the average students of the University of Wroclaw (N=200).




Piotr SorokowskiSwami et al. (2006) examined 71 British students. The results showed that the highest LBR was rated as most attractive in women, whereas in men the lowest LBR was preferred. Sorokowski and Pawlowski (2008) examined 218 Polish people. Their results showed that pictures of both males and females with legs shorter than average were perceived as less attractive. Although longer legs appeared to be more attractive, this was true only for the slight (5%) leg length increase; excessively long legs decreased body attractiveness for both sexes.






“相声说交大”没有做出方舟子抄袭的文字比较,下面是笔者根据这个线索做的对比(注:“相声说交大” 所说的“加迪夫大学生物系的一个科普介绍”为英国Cardiff University生物科学教授Tim Jacob编辑的关于味觉和嗅觉的网页,内容十分丰富,并且列有参考文献。由于方舟子抄袭了内容分散在两个网页,并且还抄袭了维基百科,笔者在每段之后给出该段文字的链接。)




Tim JacobWhat we refer to as taste is actually flavour. Flavour is a combination of taste and smell sensory information.


"As much as 80% of what we call "taste" actually is aroma" (Dr Susan Schiffman quoted in Chicago Tribune, 3 May 1990)


"Ninety percent of what is perceived as taste is actually smell" (Dr Alan Hirsch of the Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, quoted in MX, Melbourne, Australia, 28 Jan 2003).


Smell is more sensitive than taste: threshold for sucrose (taste) is between 12 and 30mM (millimolar) depending upon test used. Strychnine is a very powerful taste (apparently), and can be tasted at 10-6M (one micromolar). As for smell, mercaptan can be detected at 7x10-13Molar. Taking into account the relative volumes needed for taste and smell (you sniff a greater volume of air than you taste a liquid), smell is 10,000 times more sensitive than taste (Moncrieff, R.W.The Chemical Senses", 3rd ed., Leonard Hill, London, 1967.)


Taste is mainly smell. Hold your nose, close your eyes, and try to tell the difference between coffee or tea, red or white wine, brandy or whisky. In fact, with blocked nose (clothes peg or similar) you can't tell the difference between grated apple and grated onion - try it! Of course, this is because what we often call taste is in fact flavour. Flavour is a combination of taste, smell, texture (touch sensation) and other physical features (eg. temperature).

(见:Strange taste facts.)。




Tim JacobYou will read in the literature that we can smell between 4,000 and 10,000 different odours. In fact, no two substances smell exactly alike and the current understanding of smell discrimination means that there is an infinite number of odours to which we would be sensitive.

(见:Odour code.




Tim JacobIn mammals taste buds are located throughout the oral cavity, in the pharynx, the laryngeal epiglottis and at the entrance of the eosophagus. Taste buds on the dorsal lingual epithelium are the most numerous (total number of taste buds, all classes, = 4600 per tongue) and best-studied taste end-organs. Here, taste buds are contained within four major classes of papillae.

(见:Anatomy and Physiology of Gustation.




维基百科The tongue map or taste map is a common misconception that different sections of the tongue are exclusively responsible for different basic tastes. It is illustrated with a schematic map of the tongue, with certain parts of the tongue labeled for each taste. Although widely taught in schools, this was scientifically disproven by later research; all taste sensations come from all regions of the tongue, although parts may be more sensitive to certain flavors.




维基百科In 1931, A.L. Fox, a DuPont chemist, discovered that some individuals found phenylthiocarbamide (PTC) to be bitter while others found it tasteless.[4][5] At the 1931 meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fox collaborated with Blakeslee (a geneticist) to have attendees taste PTC: 65% found it bitter, 28% found it tasteless and 6% described other taste qualities. Subsequent work revealed that the ability to taste PTC was genetic in nature.




Tim JacobIt has been found that some people have more than the normal number of taste papillae (and taste buds). They are distinguished by their increased density of fungiform papillae and their exterme sensitivity to the chemical n-propylthiouracil (PROP). Supertasters - 25% of the population (and more women than men) - tend not to like green vegetables and fatty foods.


% of   population

*density of   taste papillae cm-2




normal tasters






* at the tip of the tongue (from Yackinous & Guinard, Appetite (2000) 38, 201-209).





Tim JacobTaste drives appetite and protects us from poisons. So, we like the taste of sugar because we have an absolute requirement for carbohydrates (sugars etc.). We get cravings for salt because we must have sodium chloride (common salt) in our diet. Bitter and sour cause aversive, avoidance reactions because most poisons are bitter (most bitter substances are bad for you - certainly in excess) and off food goes sour (acidic). Why do medicines all taste bitter? Because they are, in fact, poisons and if you take too much they will harm you. We have an absolute need for protein, and amino acids are the building blocks for proteins, so the "new" taste quality umami (pronounced: oo-marmi) which is the meaty, savoury taste drives our appetite for amino acids. This taste has been known to the Japanese for a long time - but has only recently been recognised by the West. Bacon really hits our umami receptors because it is a rich source of amino acids.

(见:Why do we have taste?






















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