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Dr. David Groves Analysis
送交者: gongyou 2008月08月01日02:07:58 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 你是說‘美國登月’與“嫦娥一號”,必有一個是假的?AAABBB 於 2008-08-01 01:50:45
Apollo Moon Hoax? Dr. David Groves Analysis

Added: April 26, 2007 (Less info)
Photo image expert, Dr. David Groves, concludes that the Apollo 11 photos allegedly taken on the moon were staged.

In an attempt to disprove our own additional lighting hypothesis, the authors went to Quantec Image Processing-UK which tested a number of NASA photos from Apollo 11. Founder, David Groves:
PhD - BSc (Hons) Class I/Applied Physics.
PhD in Holographic Computer Measurement.
Chartered Physicist and a Member of the Insitute of Physics.
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: apollo moon hoax
  Only idiots believe such crap - qm 08/01/08 (214)
      搞不懂,登月可以造假,Youtube也可以假造。  /無內容 - 糊塗 08/02/08 (252)
        其中有一個是假的,另一個不確定。 - gongyou 08/02/08 (274)
          都聽得懂洋語了,還是聽不懂一個普通的問題???  /無內容 - AAABBB 08/04/08 (188)
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