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So walk away
送交者: qm 2008月08月08日11:58:32 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Nonsense?Ynima 于 2008-08-08 11:39:33
I have said all along that you don't have to choose that professor and live that kind of life. There are indeed a lot of other life style including homeless that do not require hardwork. You don't care about a career in science, so why you care about the lifestyle of a scientist to a point you want to kill someone?

So why you want to kill that professor when you are free to walk away?

That professor put that kind of hour in writting, and he is not sued. Even if he is sued, he won't lose. People in law firms are routinely required to work 12+ hours a day, anyone sued and win? None. People still work long hours there. You lazy but never understand.
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