The author of 《沉思錄》 was the former emperor of Roma (161-180 B.C.). He is well known as the ruler-philosopher, and one of a few good emperors in the long history of Roman empire.
Despite his showing of justice and wisdom during his reign, Roman empire still fell to ruins. The reason is very simple: there were huge corruptions and countless number of dictators that the Roman system itself could not eliminate.
The outcome of the Roman empire's ruin is democracy. But it still took Europeans another 2000 years to finally set up real democratic systems.
I hope that Primer 溫家寶 would go beyond the petty words in 《沉思錄》and the petty personal feelings on “請看看那些所謂的偉大的人物,他們現在都到哪裡里去?都煙消雲散了。有的成為故事,有的甚至連半個故事都算不上。”
The real lesson he should learn is to set a democratic society for China.
Otherwise, he would be another author for a Chinese (and much lousy) version of《沉思錄》