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Reminder to Trump
送交者: kalkala 2017年01月09日09:41:45 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

Japan's national interests are not the national interests of the United States, but Obama appointed the US Navy commander of the Pacific Harris is a Japanese, this important Pacific naval commander of the Japanese will use the United States public power for the interests of Japan, kidnapping the United States national interests into Japan Interests and then serve the Japanese nation. And even drag the United States into the trap of Japan's planned design so that the United States without control into the dangerous situation. Trump you must fire Harris. Otherwise, he will drag you and the nation into danger.

  You must fire Harris.  /無內容 - kalkala 01/09/17 (851)
    otherwise he get you in danger  /無內容 - kalkala 01/09/17 (922)
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