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送交者: 亦明_ 2020年07月31日12:51:21 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话




Zixian Deng: The No. One Hitman of Fang Shimin’s Scicult








Responsibility Statement: As the "Chief Expert on Fangology" repeatedly certified by Fang Zhouzi (Fang Shimin or Shimin Fang) himself, I declare that I am fullly responsibe for the articles, especially those in this series, written and posted online by "Yi Ming." I hereby repeat the challenge I posed to Fang Zhouzi 13 years ago, and extend the challenge to all those "Fang’s Fans" or "Fang’s Organizations" who have been academically and scholarly analyzed and exposed by me: if you believe that I have the motive or intention to defame or frame you, that any of my writings contain intentional false, untruful, and misleading words or information, or that I have violated the laws of China or the United States by writing and posting these articales, you should immediately file a civil or even criminal lawsuit against me in a court of law; and I promise I will respond promptly to the lawsuit, and will never imitate or adopt Fang Zhouz’s "trickery of escaping the lawsuit." It is well known that Fang has been encouraging his followers to sue me all along, and he and any of "Fang’s Fans" will be fully or even excessively commpensated, paid, and rewarded for their efforts in such lawsuits by the "The Organization for Scientific & Academic Integrity in China," also known as "Fang Zhouzi’s Overseas Money-Sucking Machine." Therefore, Fang Zhouzi and his followers have absolutely no reason whatsoever NOT to publicly defend their own "reputation," unless they admit in their hearts that my "Fangological Writtings" are accurate, correct, truthful, or even flawless and impeccable. This Declaration constitutes my 32nd challenge to Fang Zhouzi.



  1  /无内容 - 岁月河山 09/21/20 (226)
  PDF文件链接地址: - 亦明_ 08/02/20 (379)
  一、前言 - 亦明_ 07/31/20 (686)
    三、“反法”打手 - 亦明_ 07/31/20 (357)
    二、“科学”骗子 - 亦明_ 07/31/20 (421)
      四、“方舟”铁拐 - 亦明_ 07/31/20 (388)
        五、“代笔”妖孽 - 亦明_ 07/31/20 (395)
          六、“教主”奴仆 - 亦明_ 07/31/20 (548)
            七、注释 - 亦明_ 07/31/20 (369)
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