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YDX, good liar, bad physicist
送交者: c_y_lo 2011年07月30日19:40:47 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

YDX tells lies but not physics.

It is well known that the best way to tell lie is the following:
to support the lie with half-truth that would mislead people;
omit the crucial points that would reveal the truth.

YDX is excellent at such a practice that he can acquire as a “lawyer”.

There are many papers and books that would give a clear reference to the Reissner-Nordstrom metric. There are well-known books and papers that can be easily accessed. However, YDX chose an obscure paper by Pekeris published in 1982. Since my papers are published in well-known journals, an obscure reference would give an impression that those journals would overlooked it. Another advantage of an obscure reference is that most people probably do not want to read it. Then, YDX can do his distorted presentation.

He claimed to google with “ReissnerNordström repulsion” to obtain the article, However, he did not mentioned that the author Pekeris considered that the electricity creates a repulsive term is strange. Thus, he proceed to derive his own theory with the invalid formula of unconditional E = mc^2. Of course, he forgets to tell the term is from the Reissner-Nordstrom metric

ds2 =  {1 ˉ 2GM/c2r ˉ GQ2/c4r2}c2dt2 

- {1 ˉ 2GM/c2r ˉ GQ2/c4r2}-1dr2 ˉ r22

and thus could create the impression as a result of Pekeris. Thus, YDX lies through giving misleading information.

The key error of Pekeris is that he incorrectly considered that M includes all the electric energy. In my papers, I have pointed out that this is incorrect, and thus would lead to different results. For instance, according to Pekeris, a charged metal ball would be heavier. YDX failed to mention this to support his lie or his physics are so bad that he did not see this.

Moreover, the Q2 term can be tested with a charge metal ball, and Pekeris has been proven wrong. However, to explain the case of a charged capacitor being lighter, a five-dimensional theory has to be used. This case is what Mr. Liu referred to. Recently, based on this force, Mr. Liu has invented a communication instrument with capacitors.   

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