范兒616——射精(妙用):恆心與自律是成功人生的永恆的原動力 |
送交者: 藤兒 2014年10月29日22:00:13 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話 |
藤兒點評:精液的神奇妙用,相信已經家喻戶曉。可是,射精的神奇妙用,人們卻知之甚少。 近日,有科學家在Cancer Epidemiology雜誌發表專業論文,將射精的神奇妙用昭告天下。科學家得出的最新研究結果表明:平均每月射精次數高的男性患前列腺癌的風險不會升高,反而下降。其中的最驚人的發現表明,與20個以上不同的女人進行過性交的男人,在頻繁地射精之後,其患前列腺癌的機會超低。 ...... 如果射精有理,那麼自然就有正好相反的推論:患前列腺癌的男人,就是因為忠貞不渝、沒有濫交,甚至與自己的唯一的女人都很少有性生活,才落得患上了絕症——前列腺癌。 如此這般,女人們在目睹自己的花花男人劈腿之時,真是應該心花怒放,笑傲江湖了!自己的男人搞的女人愈多,得絕症——前列腺癌的機會就越低呀! ...... 如此看來,死於前列腺癌的加拿大前聯邦新民主黨黨魁,傑克·林頓,全名:約翰·吉爾伯特·林頓(John Gilbert "Jack" Layton,1950年7月18日-2011年8月22日),在世時從來沒有過”性福“生活。他的父親羅伯特·林頓過去亦曾患上這種癌症,可以推論,他活着的時候也沒有”性福“。當然,他們父子倆都是道德模範。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 來源:http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/sunnews/lifestyle/archives/2014/10/20141028-094519.html Health & Lifestyle Credits: FOTOLIA
QMI AGENCY Men who've had sex with more than 20 different women have a 28% lower risk of developing prostate cancer, a new Quebec study says. They were also found to have a 19% lower risk of aggressive forms of cancer, according to the study from the University of Montreal and INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier. But the same doesn't hold true for men who sleep with other men - those who've had more than 20 different partners have double the risk of prostate cancer, compared to those who have never slept with a man, the study found. The study is based on a questionnaire filled out by 3,208 men. Of those men, 1,590 were diagnosed with prostate cancer between September 2005 and August 2009. Having more female partners may mean a "higher frequency of ejaculations," which can have a "protective effect against prostate cancer," researcher Marie-Elise Parent said in a press release. Parent said the study's authors can only formulate a "highly speculative" hypothesis that the higher risk in men who have sex with other men may "come from greater exposure to STIs (sexually transmitted infections), or it could be that anal intercourse produces physical trauma to the prostate." So does this mean public health authorities will soon be recommending men sleep with many women in their lives? "We're not there yet," Parent said. More research is necessary, the researchers said. The study was published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology. |
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