13.1.1 地獄趣 Hell Interest |
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地獄的本義是心路絕處,不幸處,是犯五逆罪,做了上品十惡的人所去的,吃苦受折磨的地方。在三惡道(即地獄道、畜生道、和餓鬼道)中,地獄是火途,謂此道是惡人受熾火燒烤的旅途(如插圖13.1.1-36和-35-1J所示)。在插圖-35-1J中,特拉洛克的頭在一個火匣子裡。 The original meaning of hell is a place where one’s heart (i.e., mind) is at a dead end, a place of misfortune, a place where people who have committed the five Crimes of Anti or committed the Top Ten Ferocities to go, suffer hardships and tortures. Among the Three Ferocious Paths (i.e., Hell Path, Livestock Path, and Hungry Ghost Path), hell is fire path, saying this road is the journey of bad people to be roasted (as shown in illustration 13.1.1-36, and -35-1J. In illustration -35-1J, Tlaloc’s head is in a fire case. 五逆罪 Five Crimes of Anti 五逆是指弒父、殺母、出神身血、殺阿羅漢、破和合僧。 Five Anti Crimes refer to killing father, killing mother, bleeding God, slaying Mt. Ararat, ruining godly Trinity making. 什麼是出神身血?神是指上帝,如插圖13.1.1中的舍利王(Huitzilopochtli),具有七種超能力,具有神的外貌,而且他畢生所作100%是為了眾生的利益。七種超能力是肉眼通(參見第3章)、天眼通(參見第12章)、慧眼通(參見第16章)、法眼通(參見第11章)、佛眼通(參見第18章)、宿命通(參見第10章)、和漏盡通(參見第15章)。當然,他的肉身已經腐朽了,但他的墳還在。如果任何人破壞,移動,或買賣他的遺物就是“出神身血”。當然,墨西哥人是他的家人,可以供奉和維修他的文化遺產。 What is “Bleeding God”? God, such as Huitzilopochtli in illustration 13.1.1, who has seven superpowers, has godly appearance, and 100% of what he had done in his life is for the benefit of all sentient beings. Seven Superpowers are Flesh Eye Through (refers to chapter 3), Celestial Eye Through (refers to chapter 12), Gnostic Eye Through (refers to chapter 16), Juristic Eye Through (refers to chapter 11), and Buddha Eye Through (refers to chapter 18), Fate Through (refers to chapter 10), and Leaking End Through (refers to chapter 15). Of course, Huitzilopochtli’s flesh body had decayed, but his tomb is still there. If anyone breaks, moves, sells, or buys his relics, that is "Bleeding God". Certainly, Mexicans are his families, can serve or process his cultural heritage. 神或女神長什麼樣兒?人腦思維在處理客觀事物的過程中,總是自主地簡化客觀對象,抽取各類默認模特,如人、蝴蝶、樹等;然後以此默認模特來認知其它同類個體。比如我們看見個女人,可能會描述,“大眼睛,高鼻梁,高個子,有點兒瘦等”。這些描述都是人腦通過把對方和自己思維機制中的默認女人模特進行比較而採集出的特徵,以此來認知對向,乃至所有的女人。這默認的模特男人和女人的外貌就是神和女神的外貌。值得一提的是,如果人看見了酷似神或女神的人臉上在流血,就可能患上神經錯亂,參見4.8 心病入門病例,和10.11節的神病病例。 What does a god or goddess look like? In the process of dealing with objective things, heart (it is mind) always simplifies objective objects autonomously and extracts various default models, such as man, woman, butterfly, tree, etc.; and then uses the default models to recognize other similar individuals. For example, when we see a woman, we may describe, "big eyes, high nose beam, tall, a little thin, etc.". These descriptions are the characteristics collected by the human brain by comparing the objective with the default female model in its own mind mechanism, so as to recognize the objective, and even all women. The default appearances of model men and women are the appearance of gods and goddesses. It is worth mentioning that if a man or woman who looks like a god or goddess with a bleeding face, then whoever sees that may fall into mental disorder; example cases refer to section 4.8 Mental Illness Entrance Case, and section 10.11 Godly Illness Case. 什麼是殺阿羅漢?阿羅漢是取得了離系果中第四果羅漢果(參見15.2節的小乘果)的聖人,是佛。阿羅漢常被稱作羅漢山;此山字是形容詞或副詞,表示此人貴重如山,是這個星球上的一個有效財產。 What is “slaying Mt. Ararat”? Ararat is the fourth off-be fruit in Tree of Life (refers to section 15.2 Small Vehicle Fruit). A man or woman who achieves Ararat fruit is called Mt. Ararat, is a Buddha. The word Mountain here is used as an adjective or adverb, to denote that the person is as valuable as a mountain and is a valid asset on this planet. 什麼是破和合僧?僧的本義是“和尚” 或 “尚合” ,“崇拜上帝的小社區”,特指神父、金童(即亞當)、和玉女(即夏娃)的三人社區,即上帝三人組。破和合僧,是指破壞他們三人的結合。造神(如圖18.1.1;參見18.1.1 造神的流程)或造人(讓金童玉女轉世再生),就是人們所說的“百年樹人”,要花費三代人一百年的時間,大量的人力物力。如果有旁觀者看明白了,應該迴避,不要去說閒言碎語,破壞人家的大事業。比如在此天道輪迴的工程中,金童不知道他自己是天選之人,如果有人看明白了,告訴他:“你是天選之人!” 那這天道輪迴的工程項目就失敗了,幾百人幾十年的辛勤工作就都白費了。 What is “ruining godly Trinity making”? It takes three generations, thousands of people, 100 years’ works to recreate God (refers to illustration, and section 18.1.1 Progress of Creating God), or to create humans (to reincarnate Adam and Eve). Among the Godly Cycle Project, Adam doesn’t know that himself is the chosen one. If there are bystanders who understand it, they should avoid it, and don't gossip and sabotage other people's great cause; if they tell Adam that “You are the chosen one!” Then the project of Godly Cycle would fail. Decades of hard works by hundreds of people are wasted. Plus, readers should know, most people don’t understand God anymore, so they sacrificed themselves to recreate God. 上品十惡 Top Ten Ferocities上品十惡,本文從對境增上,對煩惱心增上,和對所作事增上,這三個方面來說。 The top ten ferocities are discussed in this article from three aspects: to escalate objective environment, to escalate annoying heart, to escalate what has been doing. 一、對心理環境增上,如殺父、弒母、出神身血、殺阿羅漢、破和合僧(此前是五逆罪;注);再如毀盜宗教常住物,欺誑君父師長等。 1. To escalate environment of heart, such as killing one’s own parents and close relatives, killing one’s own teacher or king, killing monks; ruining rituals and sanctuary such as stealing God’s permanently dwell assets; cheating president of one’s own country; etc. 二、對煩惱心增上,如極重嗔纏,猛利嗔憤等。 2. To escalate vexatious heart, such as with snarling irritations, extremely ferocious hate, etc. 三、對事增上,如數數殺生,數數偷盜,數數邪見,日積月累不改悔等。 3. To escalate affairs, such as again and again killing sentients, again and again stealing, again and again being heretical, accumulating days and months without repentance, etc. 以要言之,純從分別見惑所發惡業,名為上品十惡,是地獄因。 To put it in a nutshell, the ferocious karma (i.e., habits, behaviors) that arises purely from view muddles is called the top ten ferocities, and it is the cause of hell. 八寒八熱地獄 Eight Cold and Eight Hot Hells地獄有八寒,八熱大地獄,一百零八游增地獄等說法。八寒八熱等大獄,各有眷屬,其類無數。此獄眾生,隨其作業輕重,經劫不定。罪重者,一日之中,數十次生死劫難。壽命不定,極長者可達一劫。 There are eight cold great hells, eight hot great hells, and 108 temporary supplement hells. Eight cold and eight hot great hells, each has its own families and affiliations, categories are countless. The sentient beings in the prisons, depending on the severity of their karma makings, experience uncertain. Those who have committed serious crimes suffer dozens of dead or alive disasters in one day. Their lifespans are certain, the extremely long one can reach a catastrophe. 地獄趣的壽命怎麼這麼長?前文說了,大千世界談的是業,業相互薰染,可存活數十、百年,例如傳統(也是業)能流傳數千年。 Why do hell interests have such a long lifespan? As mentioned earlier, what the world is talking about is karma, and karma infects each other, can survive for tens or hundreds of years. For example, traditions (also karmas) can be passed down for thousands of years. 八寒地獄 Eight Cold Hells 一、疱,寒苦觸身,如瘡疱故。 二、疱裂,謂寒苦所逼,疱即拆裂也。 1. Blister, cold bitter touches their bodies, like sores, hence the hell gets the name. 2. Blister Cracking, means that Blisters are forced by cold bitterness, the blisters burst immediately, hence the hell gets the name. 三、阿吒吒,謂寒苦增極,舌作此聲也。 四、阿波波,謂寒苦增極,唇作此聲也。 五、嘔喉,謂寒苦增極,喉作此聲也。 3. Azhazha, it is said that due to the cold bitters, the tongue makes this sounds. 4. Abobo, it is said that the cold bitters are increasing, the lips make this sounds. 5. Ouhoho, it is said that the cold bitters are increasing to their extreme, the throat makes this sounds. 六、青蓮花,謂寒逼皮肉開拆,色似此花也。 七、紅蓮花,謂寒逼肉色大拆,似此花也。 八、白蓮花,謂寒逼皮肉脫落,骨色似此花也。 6. Turquoise Lotus Flower, saying that being forced by coldness, skins crack and fleshes are exposed, the colors are like the flower. 7. Red Lotus Flower, saying that being forced by coldness, fleshes are torn apart, just like this flower. 8. White Lotus Flower, saying that being forced by coldness, skins and fleshes are falling off, the bones’ colors are like this flower. 八熱地獄 Eight Hot Hells 一、等活,謂其中眾生,互相嗔忿,斫剌磨搗,死已復活,活已復死。 二、黑繩,如世人以鋸解木,此獄獄卒以黑繩劈鋸罪犯,故此得名黑繩地獄。 1. Equal Alive, means that all living beings in it are angry with each other, being stabbed and tortured; the dead have been resurrected, and the living die again. 2. Black Rope, like daily life people sawing wood by a saw, the jailers saw criminals with a black rope, so it is called the Black Rope Hell.
三、眾合,眾山四合,碎身成塵,故而得名。 四、嚎叫,把罪犯置於大鑊中,沸湯烹煮,罪犯號啕叫喚,故而得名號叫地獄。 3. Crowds Gathering, crowds of mountains are gathering toward those criminals, their bodies are squashed into dusts, hence the hell gets the name. 4. Howling, the criminals are put in a big wok, are boiled together with the soup, those criminals are desperately howling, hence the hell get the name
五、大嚎叫,把獄犯放在熱鐵鏊中,受煎熬苦,獄犯急極切大叫,故名。 六、炎熱,謂烈火猛焰,燒炙糜爛,故名。 七、炙熱,謂置於火中,內外燒害,故名。 5. Great Howling, the prisoners are put into the hot iron griddle, let them suffer being fried and boiled, those prisoners are desperately howling, hence the name. 6. Flaming Hot, means that criminals are roasted by raging fire and fierce flames, whole bodies are eroding, hence the name. 7. Red Hot, means that those prisoners are put in fires, Internal and external all burns, hence the name.
八、無間地獄,謂受苦無有間歇也。無間有五義:一者趣果無間,謂有極重罪者,向此地獄接近,受其果報,無有間歇;二者受苦無間,謂在此獄,受諸痛苦,無有間歇;三者時無間,謂此獄中,眾生在一切時節都受苦,無有間歇;四者命無間,謂此地獄,生而復死,死已還生,無有間歇;五者形無間,謂此地獄,受罪眾生,生死往復,身形瞬變,無有間歇。 8. Non-intermission Hell, means suffering without a break. Non-intermission has five significances. First significance is succeedingly interest’s fruits are non-intermission, the saying is that those who have committed extremely serious crimes approach this hell and receive its retribution fruits without intermission. Secondly, in the hell, the receiving bitter is non-intermission. Thirdly, in the hell, prisoners are tortured all the time, non-intermission. Fourth, life is non-intermission. The saying is that in the hell, death after birth, birth after death repeatedly, non-intermission. Fifth is form non-intermission, means that in this hell, sentient beings are suffering birth and death succeedingly none stop, and their bodily forms transforms instantly, non-intermission. ↪️返回第13章《苦諦》的目錄↪️Back to Catalog of Chapter 13 Bitter Crux |
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