俺昨日健康年检100分 | ||
送交者: 体育老师 2021年07月21日19:45:41 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话 | ||
老了,老老实实去做年检。Dr. 的助手让我填了如下问卷,该 Yes 的都 Yes; 该 No 的都No。 Dr. 㸔了结果说: “Very good!” 俺也挺高兴,这100分也太容易了呀!俺七老八十还100分哦! 但回家再扫一次问卷,这100分算咋回事呀?不就是判断俺是否老痴?是否Disable?是否该进养老院了?有什么好高兴的呢! 老了就是老了,争取老得优雅些,争取不要Disable,不要增加社会负担,适当锻炼身体,注意饮食。 更主要的是,从现在开始调整心态!找件轻松的、喜欢干的事干。 如果能画画该多好啊! 目前能做的是,勤动恼,写博文,少写错别字。 好好学习,天天向上! 有兴趣的网友也测试一下,祝网友们健康!
Please answer as many of the items below as possible. If you are unsure, leave items blank, and we can. discuss during your exam. Thank you! Please circle YES or NO for the items below. YES NO Do you require assistance preparing food and eating? YES NO Do you require assistance bathing? YES NO Do you require assistance getting dressed? YES NO Do you require assistance usingthe toilet? YES NO D9 you require assistance moving around from place to place? YES NO Do you require assistance with household management? (Cleaning, laundry, chores, etc) YES NO Do you require assistance handling your money (finances)? YES NO Do you have any hearing difficulties? (LEFT! RIGHT! BOTH) YES NO Do you wear hearing aids? (LEFT! RIGHT/ BOTH YES NO Do you have any vision difficulties? (LEFT! RIGHT/ BOTH) YES NO Do you wear corrective lenses? LEFT! RIGHT! BOTH) YES NO Do you have trouble with urinary leakage? YES NO Do you use an ostomy bag? YES NO Are you following a special diet? YES NO Over the past 2 months, have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless? YES NO Over the past 2 months, have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things? YES NO In the last 12 months, have you visited an Emergency Room outside of Overlake? YES NO In the last 12 months, have you been hospitalized outside of Overlake? YES NO In the last 12 months, have you seen any specialists outside of Overlake? Do you use any of the following equipment at home? 9 CANE o WALKER O BEDSIDE COMMODE O TUB SEAT o OYGEN/RESPIRATORY TREATMENT o WHEELCHAIR ·HOSPITAL BED O I DO NOT USE ANY EQUIPMENT LISTED Are you currently exercising? YES NO JAM UNABLE TO EXERCISE If you are, what kinds of exercise are you doing? In the past year, have you fallen or had a near fall? NO FALLS ONE FALL TWO OR MORE FALLS Have you been injured in any of your falls? YES NO Do we have a P01ST (Physician Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment) or Advance Directives for you? YES NO |
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一周回复热帖 |
历史上的今天:回复热帖 |
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