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送交者: cnoversea 2012月03月01日04:18:38 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 郎咸平: 中國政府已經破產 Part 2cnoversea 於 2012-03-01 03:58:41

美國有線電視CNN2010年103日播出了訪談節“FAREED ZAKARIA GPS”主持人法瑞德·扎卡利亞對中國理溫家寶的專訪

主持人: 認為全球經濟現在且強勁會進入衰退的危險?尤其美國會再次經濟衰退






四是社會安全網的改善。 4人民並不都是全部來自政府。






 主持人: 從金融危機中您得出什您對美國的宏觀經濟管理是否失去信心?

       一個中國朋友,他就像在堂上學生,我們總是聽美國人教 在我抬起來,我們認為竟然也不知道他自己

 溫: 面對金融危機,任何一個國家整個人類負任感的人從這次金融危機吸取教。就我而言,我從這次金融危機得出的最大的教是,在管理國家事務時,重要的是要密切注意解決經濟中的構性問題


---- 以上譯自Transcript of interview with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao


FAREED ZAKARIA, HOST, “FAREED ZAKARIA GPS”: Do you feel that the global economy is, at this point, stable and strong?  Or do you worry a lot that there is a danger of the so-called double dip, that the United States, in particular, could go back into a recession?

       PREMIER WEN JIABAO, CHINA (through translator):  Well, objectively speaking, I think the world economy is recovering, although the process of recovery is a slow and torturous one.  People may not have the same view on this matter, but I believe we will learn a lesson from the reality.  I hope that there will be a quick recovery of the U.S. economy, because, after all, the U.S. economy is the largest in the world.

       I have taken note of the recent policies and measures taken by President Obama, including the program of doubling the United States exports and the massive investment in infrastructural development.  I think these passes and measures are the ones on the right track, moving in the right direction.  Although they came a little bit late, they still came in time.

       This reminds me of the time when I took the big decision of advancing a massive stimulus package in China.  Back then, people had different views concerning this policy.  But now, the progress has shown that our stimulus package is a successful one.

       ZAKARIA:  Your stimulus package was 10 times larger, as a percentage of your GDP, than — than the U.S. one.  It was an extraordinary program.

       Is there a worry that it has — it has produced a bubble in China, in real estate? Are there dangers of inflation because the government spent so much money? And what happens now that that stimulus is going to wear off? There will be less and less government spending.

       WEN:  From what you said, I think you have not seen our stimulus package in its full or in its entirety.  I would like to say that our stimulus package has four key components.

       The first is massive public spending, structural tax cuts and infrastructural development.

       The second is the adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure in China.

       The third is scientific and technological innovation and the development of emerging industries with strategic significance.

       The fourth is the improvement of social safety net. The $4 trillion RMB Yuan investment does not all come from the government.

       Public finance only accounts for $1.18 trillion RMB Yuan and the rest will come from the non-public sector and fundraising from financial markets.

       The implementation of the stimulus package has insured the continuance of steady and relatively fast economic growth in China.

       It has helped maintain the good momentum of China’s economic development in the past 30 years and it has helped us avoid major fluctuations in the process of China’s modernization because of a severe external shock.

       At the same time, it has laid a solid foundation for future development of the Chinese economy.  We are on high alert against the challenge that you referred to in your question.

       Let me make three points. First, there is a possibility of inflation in China.

       That is why we have formulated the task of skillfully manage the relations between maintaining steady and relatively fast economic development, structural adjustment and managing inflation expectations.  This is at the core of China’s macroeconomic control.

       I do have worry for the management of inflation expectations in China.  And that is something that I have been trying very hard to manage appropriately and well, because I believe corruption and inflation will have an adverse impact on stability of power in our country.  And these two both concern the trust and support of people in the government.  And this is the perspective that I see the issue of inflation in China.

       Second, with implementation of the stimulus package, there are fiscal and financial risks at the level of local governments.  We have some financing vehicles of local governments.  They have some debts.

       But this is not a new problem that took place after the break — outbreak of the financial crisis.  Rather, this already came into being back in the 1980s.

       Now, with the financing platforms of local governments in place, they have accumulated a total debt about $7.6 trillion RMB Yuan.

       And I can say that this debt, at the local level, is still within a range that we can manage.  But it is important that we appropriately handle this matter to ensure that the debts at local governments’ level will not bring about risks in our public finance and in the financial sector.

       The ratio of budget deficit in China’s total GDP is within 3 percent. The total debts in China versus GDP’s ratio is within 20 percent range.

       That is to say, it’s still in the range that we can manage.

       The third point is a more important one, that is, all our investment now must be conducive to our economic structural adjustment, not the contrary.  This concerns our long-term development prospects and therefore is of high importance.

       ZAKARIA: May I ask you what lesson you have drawn from the financial crisis? Have you lost faith in American macroeconomic management?

       A Chinese friend said to me, he said, “We were like the students in class and we would always listen to what the Americans would tell us.”  And now we look up, and we think, “Maybe the teacher actually didn’t know what he was talking about.”

       WEN: In the face of the financial crisis, any person who has a sense of responsibility towards the country, and towards the entire human race should learn lessons from the financial crisis. As far as I’m concerned, the biggest lesson that I have drawn from the financial crisis is that, in managing the affairs of a country, it’s important to pay close attention to addressing the structural problems in the economy.

       China has achieved enormous progress in its development, winning acclaim around the world. Yet, I was one of the first ones to argue that our economic development still lacks balance, coordination, and sustainability. This financial crisis has reinforced my view on this point. On the one hand, we must tackle the financial crisis; on the other, we must continue to address our own problems. And we must do these two tasks well at the same time, and this is a very difficult one.

Wen’s interview with Zakaria in two years. From CNN

Zakaria: We are now beginning the formal interview, just so everyone realizes.

Wen Jiabao: Before we begin, I would like to let you know that I will use the words from the bottom of my heart to answer your questions, which means that I will tell the truth to all your questions.

I always tell people that sometimes I may not tell what is on my mind, that as long as I speak out what is on my mind, the words are true.

I think you are now interviewing a statesman, and at the same time you are interviewing a statesman in his capacity as a common people.

I prefer dialogue to long-winded speeches, so you can always interrupt me and raise your questions. That would certainly make our dialogue more lively.

Zakaria: I look forward to the chance for this dialogue, and I begin by thanking you for giving us the opportunity and the honor. The first thing I have to ask you, I think is on many people’s minds. What do you think of the current financial crisis affecting the United States, and does it make you think that the American model has many flaws in it that we are just recognizing now?

Wen Jiabao: I took office as the Chinese premier six years ago, and before then I was serving as the vice premier of the country. When I was the vice premier, I experienced another financial crisis but in Asia. And in wake of the Asian financial crisis, China adopted a proactive fiscal policy and decided not to devalue the RMB, the Chinese currency, but doing so we managed to overcome the difficulties. But now the problems in the United States started with the subprime crisis and later on, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were involved in the problems, and the Lehman Brothers was in trouble, Merrill Lynch was in trouble, the AIG was in trouble, and such large investment banking companies and insurance companies all encountered systematic problems.



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