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it's all hearsay! if you know
送交者: Easygoing 2009月02月02日08:50:47 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 目前有四篇兩人的熟人的文章,自己去分析。幾個HINT吧西岸 於 2009-01-31 12:24:31
You may have not just 4 such stories but 40 or 400 stories explaining why Zhu kills, still that does not make him right to kill! He has NO right to kill! "Thou shall not kill", remember?
if you know those authors I suggest that you advise them submit their accounts to the police to help solve the case. Still, the murderer has NO excuse to do what he did--to brutally murder his victim!
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