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活着累:我所知道的值得欣賞的中外好電影 - 別錯過了
送交者: 活着累 2009年01月22日23:48:14 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話
看了許多帖子講到老電影,比如德黑蘭43年,合法婚姻,讓本人在寒冷的裁員的冬季里覺得格外感傷。本人長期致力於提高廣大勞動人民電影欣賞水平的崇高事業,這回可算準備在五味冒個泡。先寫一丁點,看看是不是符合人民大眾的很難調和的各種口味。 英美影片,包括一些獲過奧司卡的老電影。 <莫扎特>,太棒了,音樂,故事,演技,布景,這麼好的音樂片,怎麼小克同志都沒想起來呢。Amadeus - my all time favorite, a must see movie The Hours - 不知咋翻成中文,<小時>。 三個女人一台戲,不在同一時代不同地點的,卻有着相同的困繞。3 women in different history and different environments, but struggle with same intensity to find real meaning of life, a must see movie <芝加哥>,看着很爽。音樂盲們就算了,看看周星星吧。hicago - very good musical with deep thoughts, strongly recommended <碰撞>,還成。Crash - recent Oscar movie, showing how people cannot understand each other, very Hollywood, but very good Wallace & Gromit: 不知道中文是啥。英國人的確聰明。The Curse of the Were-Rabbit - comic cartoon, very talented British show, just for fun <瑪萊娜>情色片,拍得非常藝術,象油畫一般,劇情也感染人。當然,牛樂,情老,蕭和一類則另有想法。Malena - a movie like oil paining, very good music and photography, boy's movie, 四個婚禮和一個葬禮,老片,典型英國幽默,不少人欣賞不了。 - English type of comic, always wittier than American movies 吸血鬼,這可不是一般的恐怖片,知道科波拉和教父吧。科波拉的鬼片泣鬼神驚天地。攝影,音樂超一流。Bram Stroke's Dracula (you may not like it if you hate dracular/horror movie, but this is directed by Coppola, God Father's director, very romantic and visually striking movie, the song at the end by Annie Lennox is unforgettably good) 美國麗人。想不到米國老粗們還能有如此細膩豐富傷感的情懷。不少人欣賞不了,但有料,俗的同志也能看。American Beauty - not sure if you like this type, but I like it a lot 苦月亮。波蘭司機的超級情色片。牛樂,情老,蕭和一類的同志不能錯過,當然看了更煩。Bitter Moon - really good and bitter film. 企鵝進行曲。看了讓人震撼,應該讓小孩子看。活着不容易,累就累吧。March of the Penguin - life is hard 當然,本人脫不了俗,也特愛看哈里波特,指環王一類的。Lord of Ring & Harry Potter series - the movies I love that can drag me out of the dull reality for a short time 5盤憨豆先生電視劇,注意,不是他的電影。Mr. Bean TV series 亞洲片Asian movies: 甜蜜蜜,開始以為是瓊瑤類,後來才發現是才子陳可欣的,不一樣就是不一樣。一定看吧,雖然是童話。Comrades: Almost a Love Story - sad but beautiful story about a woman and man trying to change their fate by working hard, but can never succeed, strongly recommended 阿飛正傳,王家衛早期片,那是他還不太故弄懸虛。The Days of Being Wild - a very famous movie in Hong Kong a lonely man trying aimlessly to enjoy the world and to find his real mother, <晚娘>,雖是情色片,還是很不錯的,值得看。Jan Dara - Thailand movie, very very sad and dark (not photographic dark but dark in thoughts and view of world), not sure if you like this type <色戒>,我不愛看李安的片子,但這個片子是例外,拍得美麗殘忍傷感。墩子要想啃嫩草,一定要認真研究借鑑。 沒時間了,得抬頭看看刀是不是快砍下來了。先過初一吧,給大家拜個早年。
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