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神預定 NEVER MEANS 人不自己負責
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月06月16日11:56:48 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 給老苗和誠之: 賈世榮牧師講預定論newfaith 於 2008-06-16 09:41:23
on contrary
神預定 人完全自己負責, okay?
預定是指神永恆的旨意,是在時空之外, as 賈牧師 emphasized,
why you DARE to explain it 在時空之內??!! your problem is HERE!!!

'神不預定你生活的每個細節,不預定你找老婆,你自己負責' who TOLD you that?!
how could you know for sure??!! if 預定是指神永恆的旨意,是在時空之外,
as 賈牧師 emphasized. why you could not think about it from
other perspectives, such as, why I married this woman instead of
the other one? why I eat rice instead of bread? why it was YouDa instead of
BiDe? The core DOUBT for you and alike is why 神 預定 this and that,
nothing else, you try to know 神永恆的旨意 in EVERYTHING, which obviously
IMPOSSIBLE! Please never forget: 預定是指神永恆的旨意,是在時空之外,
as 賈牧師 emphasized!

In short: in my understanding,
everything happens because of 神的預定
nothing happened beyond 神的預定,

神的預定 includes but not limited to RESULTS, PROCESS, and everything.

For example, as Bible told us that our hairs are counted by GOD,
even one hair could not be possible to fall off without GOD's permission,
your question is how it is possible for a CREATOR to care about
brother Miao's hair, indeed I have the same wander,
the difference between us is that
I am satisfied with the answer of I-DON'T-KNOW
you prefer to conclude it as IMPOSSIBLE with your
naive and laughable reasons.

Anyway, thank you for the LINK, I will humbly learn from him.
  老苗:我也不強求你改變自己的看法 - newfaith 06/16/08 (191)
    I understood that well - Yuehanmiao 06/16/08 (150)
    我給說一下啊。 - 阿聿 06/16/08 (148)
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