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Interesting request
送交者: 1314 2008月10月27日12:32:33 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Can rich man enter the kingdom風影 於 2008-10-27 09:03:07
do not force the rich to do things they do not agree, rather, let them do it willingly.

有時神會用金融風暴來管教我們的貪財之心。 但那些CEO們早已腦滿腸肥,神的管教不針對他們。

沒有人會 willingly 遵行神的道。


民主黨會借用你的口號:do not force the gays to do things they do not agree, rather, let them do it willingly.
  we've seen this time and again - mean 10/28/08 (258)
    That's right, those are true - 風影 10/29/08 (245)
      eh? uh? ah? - mean 10/29/08 (194)
  & try not to use "但那些CEO們早已腦滿 - 風影 10/28/08 (257)
    Thank you for your reminder - 1314 10/28/08 (234)
      Early this month I was also - 風影 10/29/08 (205)
  King Solomon seems have a - 風影 10/28/08 (395)
    social engineering - 1314 10/28/08 (338)
      Social engineering need wise - 風影 10/29/08 (261)
        But John will simply not do it - 1314 10/29/08 (240)
          a possible confusion - 1314 10/29/08 (220)
            For this issue of social, - 風影 10/30/08 (213)
    yet the republican premises - mean 10/28/08 (187)
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