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I never say 無為沒得救, why?
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2008月06月16日13:25:38 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 你是說無為沒得救?阿聿 於 2008-06-16 12:53:37
because I don't know if 無為得救 or 沒得救.

but I strongly agree that
a saved person must join a local church to have normal
christian life, it is an obligation not option.

if somebody refuses to join a local church to have normal
christian life, you insist on HE is saved,
I cannot back you, this is my position,

any radio program to tell people not go to Christ's church to worship
the Almighty God is VOICE from SATAN, the follower of VOICE from SATAN
is impossible to be a follower of Christ, how do you think about it?
  你的許多觀點我都同意 - 阿聿 06/17/08 (185)
    I know, this is why I often 開玩笑 here - Yuehanmiao 06/17/08 (158)
      是啊,基督福音早已經被傳了2000多年了,可見 - beiqian 06/18/08 (140)
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