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like I said
送交者: mean 2008月07月01日16:02:44 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: Miracle happens every moment in my lifegems 於 2008-07-01 14:19:16
there are miracles and there are miracles. we should stick the discussion to physical events that cannot otherwise be explained apart through supernatural forces, since that's the topic at hand. albeit I do agree that much that happens around us are miracles, they do not conform to our understanding of "physical events that cannot otherwise be explained apart through supernatural forces". remember, we are talking about faith healing that restores physical illnesses to perfect physical health. as for the miracles at large, that's the topic for another thread.
  OK, stick on faith healing. - gems 07/01/08 (236)
    please read some of my other replies - mean 07/02/08 (225)
      I would say some of them over the history - gems 07/02/08 (199)
        so we agree.  /無內容 - mean 07/02/08 (219)
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